

词汇 bottle
释义 bottle
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 把装入瓶中
  2. 【英】把(水果、蔬菜等)装瓶腌制;将(煤气)装入钢瓶
  3. 【俚】捕获
n.(名词 noun
  1. 瓶;一瓶(的量)

    an ink bottle 墨水瓶
    a bottle of wine 一瓶葡萄酒.

  2. (喂婴儿的)奶瓶(= nursing bottle)

    bring a child up on the bottle 用牛奶喂养孩子.

  3. (装液化煤气的)钢瓶;热水袋;(瓶装)牛奶(= hot-water bottle)
  4. 勇气,胆量
  5. 【理】(用于约束等离子体的)磁瓶(= magnetic bottle)
  6. 【古】(盛酒、油等的)皮囊
  7. 酒,饮酒(癖)

    He's fond of the bottle. 他嗜酒贪杯
    over a [the] bottle 一面喝酒一面(谈话)
    take to the bottle 嗜酒,纵酒,贪杯.

  8. 威士忌
  9. 【俚】(男妓的)卖淫
  10. 【美】(泛指)卖淫(源自 arse 的押韵俗语 bottle and glass)
  11. 【英•方】(干草、麦秆的)一束

    look for a needle in a bottle of hay. :have a lot of bottle 勇气十足
    lose one's bottle 失去勇气.

  1. Bottle it!
    1. 不要吵了!静一静!
  2. bottle off
    1. 把…由桶中移装瓶内
  3. bottle out
    1. 失去勇气;(尤指在最后时刻)退出
  4. bottle up
    1. 把…封在瓶内;拥塞;抑制(怒气、怨气等);隐匿
  5. crack [break] a bottle
    1. 【口】开瓶饮酒
  6. fight a bottle
    1. 【美•俚】嘴对瓶喝酒
  7. hit the bottle
    1. 【口】酗酒;喝醉
  8. like one's bottle
    1. 喜欢杯中物
  9. on the bottle
    1. 【英•俚】扒;行窃
    2. 【口】嗜酒贪杯,掉在酒缸里;靠奶瓶喂养


  • nursing bottle(喂婴儿的)奶瓶
  • hot-water bottle(装液化煤气的)钢瓶;热水袋;(瓶装)牛奶
  • magnetic bottle(用于约束等离子体的)磁瓶




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