

词汇 report
释义 report
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 报告,汇报

    He reported his accident to the police. 他把事故报告了警察.
    It is reported that 据说…,据传…
    They reported him to be the best man for the job. 他们说他最适合做这项工作.
    She has been reported dead. 据说她已死了.

  2. 传说
  3. 报导,通报
  4. 揭发,告发(某人的不法行为等)

    I will report you to the police for committing a fraud. 我要向警察告发你行骗.

  5. (立法委员会经讨论及修正后)将(提案)交回议会辩论并表决
  6. 记录(讲演),记述

    report a speech [trial] 记录演说[审讯].

  7. 报导(= cover)
  8. 使报到

    Report yourself to the manager at once. 请立即到经理那儿去一下.

vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 报名

    He reported on the war situation. 他汇报了战况
    He is badly reported of among the teachers. 老师们对他印象不好
    He reports for The Times. 他担任《泰晤士报》的记者.

  2. 汇报,打报告,提出报告
  3. 说出[写出]对…的印象
  4. 当记者
  5. 报导
  6. 报导,到差

    I reported sick on Monday. 我星期一请了病假
    report to the police (应传唤)向警察局报到
    report for duty [work] at 9 a.m. 上午九点钟上班
    I report direct to him. 我的顶头上司是他.

  7. (对上司)负呈报之责
n.(名词 noun
  1. (调查、研究后提出的)报告(书)

    make a report 作报告.

  2. 公报
  3. (报纸等上的)报导,通信
  4. (学生的)成绩报告单
  5. (法院等的)案情报告
  6. 【美•俚】(女子寄给男子的)甜蜜情书(= sugar report)
  7. 判例汇编
  8. 议事录,(讲演、讨论等的)速记,记录
  9. 名气,名誉,名声

    be of good [ill, evil] report 名声好[不好,很坏]
    through good and evil report 不顾名声好坏
    Mere report is not enough to go upon. 仅是传闻不足为凭
    Report goes [runs, has it] that 据说…据传 (It is reported that...).

  10. 传闻
  11. 枪声,砲声,爆炸声,〔1097〕啪声

    explode with a loud report 呯的一声突然破裂.

  1. move to report progress
    1. 【英下院】(为了阻碍通过某项议案而)提议暂行停止辩论
  2. on report
    1. 在受处罚的地位
    2. 被列入惩戒报告
  3. report back
    1. 报告返回
  4. report progress
    1. 【英】报告经过
  5. Report to the Nation
    1. 《致国民报告书》(英国政府每两周在主要报纸上发表的有关经济、时事等问题的报告)


  • cover报导
  • sugar report(女子寄给男子的)甜蜜情书




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