

词汇 reason
释义 reason
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 推断,分析

    reason out a problem 分析一问题.

  2. 讨论,论述
  3. 论证
  4. 【古】用道理辩护[支持]
  5. 劝喻,说服

    reason sb down 说服某人
    reason sb out of his obstinacy 劝说某人不要固执
    reason sb into compliance [doing his duties] 劝某人顺从[尽义务]
    reason oneself into perplexity 不能自圆其说.

vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 作逻辑思维,推理,推论,推断

    reason from false premises 根据错误的前提进行推论.

  2. 劝说,理喻

    I reasoned with him about the plan.我同他讨论这项计划.

  3. 【废】讨论,商谈
n.(名词 noun
  1. 理由,原因,动机(= cause)

    give [yield, render] a reason for 陈述…理由,说明,解释
    have reason for [to do] 有必须的理由,有理由去(做),(做)…是对的(其强调形式为have every (raison d〔1304〕tat) [good] reason for...[to do...])
    reason(s) of state 国家的理由(常被统治者当作借口)
    It is not altogether without reason that he grumbles. 他发牢骚并非毫无理由.
    The reason why he hesitates is that 他犹豫不决的原因是…(口语中有时用because代替that).

  2. 道理,情理

    There is reason in what you say.你讲得有道理.
    out of all reason不合理,不对头(unreasonable)
    beyond [past] (all) reason毫无道理,全然无理
    hear [listen to] reason服从道理,服理
    see reason明白理由[道理]
    speak [talk] reason讲合乎道理的话.

  3. 【逻】论据
  4. 【逻】前提(= premise)(尤指小前提)
  5. 正常神志,正常的思想,健全的理智;推理力,判断力;理智

    be restored to reason 恢复理智
    lose one's reason 失去理智
    Only man has reason. 只有人具有理性
    practical reason 实践理性
    age of reason.

  6. 【哲】理性
  7. 【废】公平

    do sb reason. 公平对待某人.

  1. as reason is [was]
    1. 根据情理
  2. bring sb to reason
    1. 使某人明白道理,使某人服从道理
  3. by reason of...
    1. 凭…的理由,因为
  4. by reason that...
    1. 因为,由于
  5. for no other reason but this [than that...]
    1. 只是因为
  6. for reasons of...
    1. 由于…的原因

      for reasons of health 由于健康上的原因.

  7. for some reason or other
    1. 由于某种原因,不知为了什么
  8. in reason
    1. 合理的,有道理的,合情合理

      I cannot in reason do such a thing. 我当然不能做这样的事.
      I'll do anything in reason for him.只要是合情合理的事我都愿意为他做.

    2. 在道理上
  9. It stands to reason that...
    1. 是理所当然的
  10. or you [he, she, they] will know the reason why
    1. 【口】要不然会倒大霉的
  11. ours [yours, theirs, etc.] not to reason why
    1. 【口】我们[你们,他们等]无权提意见(意为必须服从上级的指示;出自 Tennyson 的“The Charge of the Light Brigade”(1854))
  12. reason away
    1. 劝走
  13. the woman's [the ladies'] reason
    1. 女人的逻辑,不成理由的理由(如 I love him because I love him. 等)
  14. will [want to] know the reason why
    1. 【口】要大发脾气;要查究原因
  15. with (good) reason
    1. 有道理,有充分理由地

      He complains with reason.他不无理由地发起牢骚来.

  16. within reason


  • cause理由,原因,动机
  • premise前提
  • in reason




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