

词汇 many
释义 many
pron.(代名词 pronoun
  1. 许多人[物]

    Many of us were tired. 我们当中的许多人都疲倦了.

n.(名词 noun
  1. 许多人[东西]
  2. 许多人
  3. 群众
a.(形容词 adjective
  1. 许多的,多的

    Have you been there many times? 你去过那里很多次了吧?
    Many people die of cancer. 许多人死于癌症
    There are so many books that I can't read them all. 书太多了,我读不完
    I don't have so many books as he (does). 我的书没有他的多
    There are too many instances to enumerate. 例子多得不胜枚举.

  2. (接在 how, as, so 等表示程度的副词之后)…同样数目的

    How many students are there in your school? 你们学校有多少学生?

  1. a good many
    1. 相当多,很多(cf. a good few)

      There were a good many of them. 那样的人[东西]很多.

  2. a great many
    1. 许许多多(意义较 a good many 强)
  3. as many
    1. 同样数目的

      I have as many books as he (has). 我的书跟他的一样多
      I have three times as many books as he. 我的书是他的三倍
      There were ten accidents in as many days. 十天里就发生了十起事故.

  4. as many as...
    1. 和…一样多;多达…

      You may take as many as you like. 你要多少就拿多少
      I stayed there as many as ten days. 我已经在那里待了十天了.

  5. many a [an]
    1. 【文•诗】(后接单数名词)许多的

      many a one 许多人
      Many a man has failed. 许多人都失败了
      many (and many) a time=many a time and oft 【诗•文】 多次.

  6. many another
    1. 其他许多的(人或物)

      I, like many another, used to think so. 像其他许多人一样,我过去也常常这么认为.

  7. many's [many is] the
    1. 有许多的

      Many's the man he has lent money to. 他借钱给许多人
      Many's the time [day] (that)... 许多次[天].

  8. one too many
    1. 胜过,非…所能敌

      He's had one too many. 他多喝了一点[有点醉]
      He is (one) too many for me. 我不是他的对手;我拿他没办法.

    2. 多余的一个,不需要的一个,碍手碍脚的东西
  9. so many
  10. the one and the many
    1. 【哲】一与多


  • the few群众的反义
  • few许多的,多的的反义

more; most





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