

词汇 neck
释义 neck
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 缩短…的直径
  2. 割颈杀死,宰杀
  3. 【口】拥抱,同…搂脖子接吻
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 变窄
  2. 【口】拥抱;接吻;搂脖子亲嘴
n.(名词 noun
  1. 脖子;(衣服的)领圈
  2. (尤指羊的)颈肉
  3. (赛马的)头部和颈部总长度,一颈之差;(胜负间的)些微之差

    win [lose] by a neck (赛马时)以一颈之差得胜[告负];以微弱比分取胜[告负].

  4. 相当于颈的部份,颈状部位
  5. (小提琴等的)琴头
  6. (高尔夫球棒的)棒颈
  7. 岬;海峡;狭窄地带;隘口
  8. 【建】柱颈(cf. necking)(柱头紧下面的较细部分)
  9. (牙齿的)齿颈
  10. 【解】颈(部),子宫颈(部)
  11. 【植】(藓苔、羊齿的孢子的)颈部;(双贝壳的)水管
  12. 【地】火山岩颈
  13. (活字的)斜坡(= beard)
  14. 【俚】厚颜无耻

    cf. brass neck.

  15. 【口】搂脖子亲嘴(= necking)
  16. 【英•方】最后收割的一捆谷物
  1. a pain in the neck
  2. bow the neck
    1. 向…屈服
  3. break one's neck
    1. 【口】赶紧;竭尽所能;干危险[愚蠢]的事而丧命
  4. break the neck of
    1. 做完(工作等)的最难部分
  5. breathe down sb's neck = breathe down (on) sb's ne
    1. 密切监视某人
    2. 紧跟在某人后面,紧逼某人
  6. cost sb his neck
    1. 送命
  7. dead from the neck up
  8. get [catch, take] it in the neck
    1. 被解雇
    2. 【口】受沉重打击;遭受猛烈攻击;受到严厉处罚[谴责];遭殃
  9. have a lot of neck
    1. 厚颜无耻
  10. have the neck to do
    1. 厚着脸皮做…
  11. neck and crop [heels]
    1. 头朝前地;一古脑儿,统统,彻底地
  12. neck and neck
    1. (赛跑中)并驾齐驱
  13. neck of the woods
    1. 【美•口】森林中的居住地区;地带,地段
  14. neck or nothing [nought]
    1. 拚命

      It is neck or nothing. 孤注一掷.

  15. on [over] the neck of...
    1. 紧紧跟在…的后头
  16. out on one's neck
  17. risk one's neck
    1. 拚着性命,冒生命危险
  18. save one's [sb's] neck
    1. 免受绞刑,(使)免于遭殃
  19. speak [talk] through [out of] (the back of) one's
    1. 【英•口】信口开河,随口乱说
  20. stick [put] one's neck out
    1. 【口】自陷危境;招灾惹祸
  21. tread on the neck of...
    1. 骑在…的头上,压迫;压制
  22. up to the [one's] neck
  23. with stiff neck.


  • beard(活字的)斜坡
  • necking搂脖子亲嘴
  • up to the ears




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