

词汇 mouse
释义 mouse
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 仔细搜索,探出(= hunt out)
  2. 【废】(像猫对待耗子一样)捉弄,粗野地玩弄
  3. 【废】咬,啃
  4. 【海】用细绳缠扎(钩口)
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. (猫、枭)捕鼠;窥探
  2. 【俚】愚弄,戏弄
  3. 偷偷地搜索
  4. 蹑手蹑脚地走动
n.(名词 noun
  1. 【动】鼠,耗子(cf. rat)(各种小鼠,尤指在西方常见的小家鼠)

    (as) drunk as a (drowned) mouse 烂醉
    (as) quiet as a mouse 非常安静,不声不响
    like a drowned mouse 像落水老鼠一样(狼狈)
    Burn not your house to fright the mouse away. 【谚】 投鼠忌器,不可焚屋灭鼠(勿以小忿而乱大局)
    Don't make yourself a mouse, or the cat will eat you. 【谚】 成为老鼠,便会被猫吃掉(软弱受人欺)
    The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken. 【谚】 衹打一个洞的老鼠,很快就被逮住(狡兔三窟).

  2. 林跳鼠(= jumping mouse)
  3. 小囊鼠(= pocket mouse)
  4. 胆小鬼;懦夫
  5. 亲爱的,宝贝(对女孩等的暱称)
  6. 【俚】女人,姑娘;未婚妻
  7. 【俚】(眼部被击伤后起的)青肿(= black eye)
  8. 【海】缠口结(= mousing)
  9. 【电脑】鼠标器,鼠标(个人电脑的一种快速输入设备,用手移动鼠标,屏幕上的光标便会随之移动)
  10. 【军俚】小火箭
  1. mouse and man
    1. 一切生物,众生

      the best laid schemes of mice and men.

  2. play cat and mouse with sb


  • hunt out仔细搜索,探出
  • jumping mouse林跳鼠
  • pocket mouse小囊鼠
  • black eye(眼部被击伤后起的)青肿
  • mousing缠口结

pl. mice





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