

词汇 shall
释义 shall
v. auxil.(助动词 auxiliary verb
  1. (单纯未来)将,将要,[预定]会

    I hope I shall succeed this time. 但愿我这次会成功
    I shall be twenty years old next month. 下个月我就要满二十岁
    I shall be very happy to see you. 见到你我会很高兴的
    Shall we get there before dark if we leave here now? 如果现在就离开这里,天黑以前会到达那里吗?
    Shall you be at home tomorrow afternoon? 你明天下午在家吗?

  2. (用于第一人称叙述句以及第一和第二人称疑问句, I [We] shall..., Shall I [you]...? 在美国口语中表示单纯未来时用 I [We] will..., Will you...?)(cf. will)
  3. 【文】(不考虑人称用于子句中)

    if it shall be fine tomorrow 如果明天天气好的话
    [代替 may, might ] in order that we [you, she] shall[=may] be able to go 为使我们[你、她]能去.

  4. (意志未来)

    You shall have my answer tomorrow. (=I will give you....) 你明天一定会得到我的答复
    You shall not go fishing with me tomorrow. 你明天不要跟我去钓鱼
    He shall have his share. 他应得到他的那一份.

  5. (用于第二、三人称叙述句, You [He] shall...)表示说话人的意志
  6. (用于第一、第三人称的疑问句中 Shall I [he]...? 征求对方意见)

    Shall I show you some photographs?〔42c7〕Yes, (do,) please. 我给你看一些相片好吗?-好啊,谢谢
    Shall the boy go first? 这孩子先去好吗?
    [劝说] Shall we go out for a walk?〔42c7〕Yes, let's. 我们出去散步好不好?-好啊,我们去吧!
    Let's go to the movies, shall we? 我们去看电影好吗?

  7. (以第一人称作主语,在句子中重读,表示强烈的意志)一定,必定

    I shall ≦〔3fe9〕'〔41c2〕l≧ go, come what may. 无论如何我一定要去
    I shall never [never shall] forget your kindness. 我决不会忘记你的恩惠
    You must do this.〔42c7〕Shan't! 你必须做这事.-我就不做!

  8. 【文】(用于第二人称 You shall... 表示命令或以否定形式表示禁止)必须

    Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 【圣】 你要爱邻如己. (Lev. 19:18)
    Thou shalt not kill.

  9. 不可
  10. (表示预言)将会,该会

    East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet. 东是东,西是西,两者永不会合在一起.(出自 R.Kipling 的诗).

  11. (用于规章、法律条文中)应,必须

    The Tenant shall return the keys to the Landlord. 房客须把钥匙归还业主.

  12. (用于间接引语中)

    He thinks himself that he shall recover. 他心里想自己会康复的.(I shall recover.”)
    I said I should be at home next week. 我说我下星期回来 (“I shall be at home...”)
    You said that I should have your answer the next day. 你说我明天会得到你的答复. (“You shall have my answer tomorrow.”).

  13. (原则上与直接引语中的 shall, should 相应)
  14. (直接引语中的表示单纯未来的“you [he] will”在间接引语常变为第一人称 I [we] shall

    Does the doctor say I shall recover? 医生说我会康复吗? (He will recover.”)
    [过去式,同上] Did the doctor say I should recover? 医生说我会康复吗?

  15. 【古】(= must)
  16. (= can〔↑1〕)
  17. 将去(= will go)


  • must
  • can〔↑1〕
  • will go将去




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