

词汇 thing
释义 thing
n.(名词 noun
  1. 物,东西,事物

    I want to buy a few things in the grocery. 我要上杂货铺买几样东西
    all things 万物,万象,宇宙
    a living thing 生物.

  2. 事,事情

    I have just one thing to say to you. 我正好有件事要跟你说
    It's just one of those things. 事情就是这样子了[就是这么一回事
    She likes chatting, dancing,window-shopping and that sort of thing. 她喜欢聊天,跳舞,逛街诸如此类的事.

  3. 情况,事态,形势,局面

    It's a curious thing. 这事真稀奇
    as things are [go, stand] 在目前的情况下,就一般情况而言,据目前形势看
    take things easy [as they are] 泰然处之,随遇而安
    Things are going well. 情况顺利
    think things over 把情况仔细考虑一下
    Things are going to become serious. 形势越来越严峻
    Things have changed greatly. 局面发生了很大变化。

  4. 事业,成就,成果;行为

    do great things 大事
    no great things 没什么了不起的
    He has done the clean thing. 他的所作所为光明正大。

  5. 随身物品,个人所有物;用品,用具

    Pack your things and go! 收拾你的东西,滚!
    tea things 茶具
    Please wash the breakfast things. 请把早餐的餐具洗一洗.

  6. 衣服,外衣

    She did not have a thing to wear. 她无衣可穿
    Do take off your things. 脱下外衣,不必客气。

  7. 【口】(前伴有形容词指人或动物)家伙,东西

    You stupid thing! 你这蠢才[东西]!
    a pretty little thing 漂亮的小姑娘
    The poor little thing!=Oh poor thing! 可怜的小家伙!
    the dear old thing 可爱的老伴
    a dear old thing 可亲的老太太
    old thing [voc.] 喂,老兄.

  8. 话,所说的事情;题目,主题

    He is always saying the right thing at the right time. 他总是在什么场合说什么话
    That's a nice thing to say! 说得好[表示不满:你好意思这样说吗]!
    There is one more thing I would like to ask you about. 我还有一个问题要问你.

  9. 事项,细节;方面;事实

    check every little thing 检查每一微小细节
    in all things 在各方面
    the most important thing is (to...) 最要紧的是…
    I'll ring you the first thing in the morning. 明天早上第一件要做的事就是给你打电话
    That's the last thing I should do. 那样的事我是绝不会干的.

  10. 重要的事

    The thing is to make a start. 重要的是马上动手干
    The thing about the situation is hopeless. 事实上形势是无望了
    the philosophy of things 有关实质的哲学.

  11. 实在,实体
  12. 特定的东西[事物]

    the good things of life 生活中美好的东西
    things foreign 外国特有的事物.

  13. 最喜欢的事;最得意[拿手]的事

    do one's (own) thing 做自己最心爱的事
    What's your thing? 你最喜欢干什么?
    Now there's a thing! 这一下可有好事情了!

  14. 最合适的东西

    That cafe is the thing now. 那咖啡店现在最受欢迎
    the latest thing in ties 最新式的领带
    I'm not [I don't feel] quite the thing today. 我今天身体很不舒服。

  15. 【口】最时髦的东西;最需要的东西
  16. 特征,特性

    The best thing about the car is cheap. 这辆车子最大的特点是便宜。

  17. 消息,知道的事情

    Reporters couldn't get a thing out of him. 记者从他那儿得不到一点消息
    He is queer,always putting things in his head. 他是个怪人,不管什么事情都往脑袋里装.

  18. 【律】财产

    things personal [real] 动[不动]产
    things mortgaged 作为抵押的财产.

  19. (斯堪的那维亚各国的)议会,法院
  1. (be) no great things
    1. 【俚】(人、东西)没什么了不起
  2. (just) one of those things
    1. 【口】命运注定的事,不可避免的事
  3. ...and things
    1. 【口】等等
  4. a good thing
  5. a thing or two
    1. 【口】应该知道的事情

      know [be up to] a thing or two
      tell sb a thing or two.

    2. 重要的事情
    3. 知识
    4. 【口】许多
  6. and another thing
    1. 而且,此外(= moreover)
  7. be all things to all men
    1. 能使人人满意,八面玲珑
  8. do one's own thing
    1. 【美•俚】按自己的意愿行事
  9. do the decent [handsome, etc.] thing by
    1. 亲切[慷慨]对待
  10. do things to...
    1. 对…施加很大影响
  11. every thing
  12. for one [another] thing
    1. (枚举理由)首先[再有]…
  13. get a thing out of...
    1. 从…处得到消息

      He can't get a thing out of opera. 他欣赏不了歌剧.

    2. 能欣赏
  14. have [get] a [this] thing about...
    1. 对…怀有特别的恐惧
    2. 【口】对…有特别好的[坏的]感情
    3. 特别喜欢[讨厌]
  15. How's [How are] things?
    1. 【口】近况如何?近来如何?(= How are you?)
  16. It's a good thing...
    1. …是幸运的事情,…是好事情
  17. know [be up to] a thing or two
    1. 【口】见多识广,富于处事经验
    2. 【口】机灵,精明能干
  18. make a good thing (out) of...
    1. 【口】从…中得益
  19. make a thing of...
    1. 认为…不得了
    2. 【口】非常重视…
    3. 把…当作一回事
  20. of all things
    1. 偏偏,真没想到(cf. of all(the)...)

      Well,of all things, how come he asked her to marry him? 什么?真没想到他竟然向她求婚.

  21. see [hear] things
    1. (通常用进行时态)疑神疑鬼,产生幻觉
  22. tell sb a thing or two
    1. 【口】坦率地给人说一说
    2. 【口】责备某人,教训教训某人
  23. the state of things
  24. things and stuff
    1. 【美•俚】漂亮衣服
    2. 【美•俚】极为机智
  25. things that go bump in the night
    1. 夜里发出的奇妙响声
    2. 夜里发生的奇妙事情
  26. work things
    1. 【俚】顺利完成


  • a good job
  • moreover而且,此外
  • How are you?近况如何?近来如何?




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