

词汇 think
释义 think
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 想;认为,以为

    I think it is true.=I think it (to be) true. 我认为那是真的
    To think (that) he should treat me like this! 想不到他竟这样对待我!
    I thought I told you [I said]... 【口】 我不是告诉你[说]…了吗(责备某人不照嘱咐的办时说的话).

  2. (常用进行时态)考虑,思考

    I'm thinking what to do next. 我在考虑下一步做什么.

  3. 【口】(通常与 cannot 连用)懂,明白

    I can't think what he's going to say. 我不知他会说什么
    I can't think what her name is. 我想不起她的名字是什么了.

  4. 想像,想出
  5. 想到

    She did not think to thank him. 她没有想到要谢他.

  6. 计划;打算(= intend)

    think evil 计划干坏事
    They think to deceive us. 他们想要骗我们.

  7. 【英】预期,预料(= expect)

    Who would have thought (=【美】expected) to find us here! 谁也不会料到我们在这儿!

  8. 一心想着;对…着迷

    talks and thinks business. 谈的和想的都是买卖.

  9. 想得使(自己)

    She thought herself into madness. 她想得疯了.

vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 想,思考,考虑

    I'll think about it. 我考虑考虑.(通常为谢绝的委婉说法)
    Only think! 你想想看!
    think in English 用英语思考
    think and think 想了又想,细想
    think hard 苦思.

  2. 想到,关心

    think of others first. 首先想到别人.

  3. 判断,评价

    think highly [little, much, etc.] of...
    think a great deal [a lot] of 非常看重…
    think badly of 对…评价不好.

  4. 想出,想起,记起(cf. 词组)
  5. 【废】似乎(= seem)(cf. methinks)(通常用于以间接受词作主语的无人称句子中)
n.(名词 noun
  1. 【口】想,思考;想法,意见

    have a hard think =think (vi.) hard/have a think about it =think about it.

a.(形容词 adjective
  1. 【口】供思考的

    a think book. 发人深思的书.

  2. 【口】发人深思的
  1. (Just [To]) think of it!
    1. 简直想不到!
  2. I don't think.
    1. 【口】(常附在讽刺句之后)我倒不相信,靠不住

      You're very generous, I don't think. 你很大方,我倒有点不相信.

  3. I should think (not).
    1. 【口】(接受对方的话)是这样吧(not 用于否定对方的话时)
  4. I think
    1. (插句或句尾)是…吧
  5. I think so [not].
    1. 我认为是[不是]这样
  6. If you think [he thinks, etc.] (that)..., (then) y
    1. 【口】如果你[他等]以为…,那么你[他]必须重新考虑[另作打算]
  7. let me think
    1. 让我想一想
  8. think about...
  9. think again
    1. 改变主意,改变想法
  10. think ahead
    1. 事先考虑,预见
  11. think aloud
    1. 边想边说出声,自言自语
  12. think away
    1. 想开了(如不信神了)
    2. 想得忘了(牙痛等)
  13. think back to
    1. 改变…的念头

      Peter was about to let her know his secret but thought better of it. 彼得本打算把秘密告诉她,但后来又改变主意不讲了.

    2. 回忆,回想
  14. think better of...
    1. 对…有更高的评价
  15. think fit [good, proper] to do...
    1. 认为做…适当
  16. think for oneself
    1. 独立思考
  17. think no end of...
    1. 尊敬…
  18. think no harm
    1. 并没有恶意
  19. think nothing of...
  20. think of...
    1. 想起,记起(过去的事)

      I always think of the days when we were young. 我常想我们年轻时那段时光.

    2. (常用进行时态)考虑…是否合适
    3. 关心
    4. (通常与 can [could], will [would] 连用)有…的想法,有…的念头

      I just wouldn't think of telling you the trouble. 我就是不想让你知道这麻烦事.

    5. (以 what 作受词,用于疑问句中)对…有特定看法(cf. vi.3)

      What do you think of the decision? 你认为这个决定怎么样?

    6. 把…看作

      think of himself as a poet. 自认为是诗人.

    7. 想出(主意),提出(建议)
    8. 设想(将来的事)

      Just think of the high interest you are going to pay! 试想想你将来要付多高的利息啊!

  21. think on...
    1. 【古】考虑…;(cf. vi.4)
  22. think out
    1. 想出,设计出
    2. 想透
    3. 通过思索把…理出个头绪
  23. think out loud
  24. think over...
    1. 仔细想,仔细考虑
  25. think sense
  26. think through
    1. 思考…直到得出结论[解决办法]
    2. 彻底地全面考虑
  27. think to oneself
    1. 心里想,自言自语
    2. 盘算,独自思忖
  28. think twice
    1. 慎重考虑,三思
  29. think up
    1. 想出(借口等)
    2. 【口】发明
  30. think with sb
    1. 和某人意见相同
  31. What [Who] do you think?
    1. 你以为是什么[谁]?(用以表示意外)


  • intend计划;打算
  • expect预期,预料
  • seem似乎
  • think of...(6)
  • think aloud







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