

词汇 trouble
释义 trouble
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 使烦恼,使忧虑;使困苦

    be troubled about [with] money matters 为钱操心
    trouble one's head 苦恼,忧虑 <about>
    What troubles me is that... 令我烦恼的是…
    I'm troubled with a headache. 我为头疼所苦.

  2. 【古】折磨,使疼痛
  3. 麻烦,使费神,使感不便

    trouble oneself to do... 不辞劳苦地做…
    Please don't trouble yourself. 请不要费事
    May [Can] I trouble you for [to pass] the salt? 麻烦你把盐递给我好吗?
    I will trouble (=I defy) you to translate this. 你能不能把这个翻译出来?
    I must trouble you not to meddle in my private affairs. [iron.] 劳驾别管我的私事.

  4. 扰乱,弄乱,搅乱
  5. 【加勒比】乱动
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 忧虑;费神,费力

    Don't trouble to write. 用不着写信.

n.(名词 noun
  1. 烦恼,忧虑,苦恼

    family [domestic] trouble(s) 家庭的烦恼
    a heart full of trouble 忧虑重重的心
    She's having trouble with her eldest son. 她正为大儿子的事操心
    Her troubles are over. 她已解脱了烦恼(常指死)
    A trouble shared is a trouble halved. 【谚】 人前诉说烦恼事,心中烦恼一半消
    Troubles never come singly. 【谚】 祸不单行
    Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 【谚】 不要自找麻烦
    get sb out of trouble 使某人摆脱麻烦.

  2. 困难,艰难
  3. 灾难,不幸,危险
  4. 苦恼的原因

    He is a trouble to his parents. 他是父母的一块心病.

  5. 使人烦恼的人
  6. 费心的事
  7. 麻烦事

    make trouble 捣乱,闹事
    get into trouble 招致麻烦,被警察传唤,遭受处罚,遭到责骂
    get out of trouble 摆脱麻烦事,免受处罚,免于灾难
    be in trouble(s) with...=have a trouble with 和…闹纠纷
    That's just the trouble! 那正是问题所在
    What is the trouble? 问题出在哪儿?
    The trouble is that [The trouble is,].... 麻烦的是…
    The trouble with you is (that) you never listen to anybody. 你的问题是你从不听别人的话
    get sb into trouble=make trouble for sb 使某人陷入困境,给某人招致麻烦.

  8. 难题
  9. 困难局面
  10. (个人的)问题,缺点
  11. (社会、政治上的)动乱,骚乱
  12. (七十年代北爱尔兰的)暴乱,动荡(原指1922年前后英国政府与爱尔兰共和军的对抗)
  13. 麻烦,烦劳,打扰

    have (a lot of) trouble (in) getting a door open 打开门(很)费劲
    have trouble to do 做…很费事
    Thank you for all the trouble you've taken. 太麻烦您了,多谢多谢
    (It's) no trouble (at all). 这不费事,不麻烦,没什么
    An omelette is no trouble (to make). 煎蛋饼很容易
    be at [go to] the trouble of doing 特意做…
    give sb trouble 麻烦某人
    give oneself (the) trouble about 尽力,不怕麻烦
    put sb to trouble 麻烦某人,使某人受累
    save [spare] sb trouble 免去某人麻烦
    take the trouble to do... 不辞…之劳
    take trouble 费力,不辞劳苦 <over>.

  14. 工夫,力气
  15. (身体上的)苦痛,不适,…病

    liver [mental] trouble 肝[精神]病
    children's troubles 儿童疾病
    I am having trouble with my teeth. 我正牙痛
    engine trouble 发动机故障.

  16. (机器的)故障
  1. ask [look] for trouble
    1. 【口】自找麻烦,自讨苦吃
  2. be in trouble
    1. 【口】未婚怀孕
    2. 被捕
    3. 受训斥;受处罚
    4. 处于困境中
  3. be more trouble than a cartload of monkeys
    1. 【口】极为讨厌,令人极其烦心
  4. borrow trouble
    1. 自寻烦恼,自找麻烦
  5. drown one's troubles
    1. 借酒浇愁
  6. get into trouble
    1. 【口】(使)未婚先孕(cf. 3)




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