

词汇 to
释义 to
prep.(介系词 preposition
  1. (不含到达的意思,运动的方向)向,朝,往

    turn to the right 向右转.

  2. (含到达的意思,运动方向亦用于比喻)到达,到,向

    get to London 到达伦敦
    come to the crown 登上王位
    have been to 到过…
    To horse! 上马!

  3. (状态、境遇的变化方向)倾向于,趋于

    rise to wealth and honor 富贵起来
    sing a baby to sleep 唱歌哄婴儿入睡
    stand to attention.

  4. (到达点、程度、范围)达到

    be wet to the skin 湿透
    cut to the heart 触及痛处
    to the best of my belief [knowledge] 以我看来[就我所知]
    He drank himself to death. 他酗酒而死
    to that [this] extent 到那[这]种程度
    to the last man 直到最后一个人
    He's 40 to 45. 他在四十至四十五岁之间.

  5. (时间的终点)到;(…点…分)前

    stay to the end of June 呆到六月底
    from Monday to Friday 从星期一到星期五
    a quarter to four 四点差十五分
    No, it's ten to (four). 不,是(四点)差十分.

  6. (结果、效果)致,致使

    tear to pieces 撕成碎片
    to one's cost 成了某人的损失
    to sb's credit 是某人的光荣
    to no purpose 徒然
    to the point [purpose] 中肯
    to one's surprise [joy, sorrow] 感到惊奇[高兴、伤心]的是.

  7. (目的、预定)为了

    to that end 为那个目的
    He came to my rescue. 他来援救我.
    sit down to dinner 坐下吃晚饭.

  8. 【口】(= with)

    Most of the land is planted to corn. 大部分土地种着玉米.

  9. (方位,方向)向,朝

    Scotland is to the north of England. 苏格兰在英格兰北面
    a mile to the south 朝南一英里
    a house to the right 右面的房子.

  10. 【方】(场所)(= at)

    He is to home. 他在家
    I got this to Brown's. 这东西我是在布朗商店买的.

  11. (相对位置)

    parallel [perpendicular] to the roof 与屋顶平行[垂直]的.

  12. (对立)对,面对

    face to face 面对面
    fight hand to hand.

  13. (比较、对比)和…比较,对,每

    inferior [superior] to the others 比其他的差[好]
    one cent to the dollar 每元一分
    ten to one
    The score was [stood at] three to two. 比分是三比二.

  14. (构成、包含)构成,包含

    100 cents to the dollar 一元有一百分
    two pints to the quart 每夸脱有两品脱
    There are four cups to a quart. 每夸脱四杯.

  15. (适合,一致)与…一致,按照,合

    correspond to 与…一致,符合
    according to 根据
    made to order 定做的
    to the life (词组)
    to one's taste 合乎自己的口味.

  16. (伴随)跟着,配合

    dance to the music 随音乐起舞.

  17. (反应、对应)

    The dog came to his whistle. 他一声口哨,狗便来了.

  18. (作用、原因)由于

    Forty men fell to the enemy gunfire. 在敌人的砲击下,四十人倒下了.

  19. (与 confess, swear, testify, witness 等动词连用)是…,承认

    confess to crime 承认犯罪.

  20. (附加)在…之上,加在

    Add 5 to 3. 五加三
    Wisdom he has, and to his wisdom, courage. 他聪明,不但聪明,而且勇敢.

  21. (附属、所有、关系)属于,归于

    the key to the house 那房子的钥匙
    brother to the king 国王的弟弟.

  22. (结合、执着、热爱)向…,在…

    fasten it to the wall 把它固定在暀W
    apply soap to the towel 在毛巾上打肥皂
    attached to the Roman Church 归于罗马教会的.

  23. 关于

    What will he say to it? 他会对此怎么说?
    That's all there is to it. 事情就是如此而已
    There's nothing to him. 他不过是那样一个人罢了.

  24. (行为、作用的对象)对,于;为

    This is a letter to Bill from George. 这是乔治写给比尔的信
    drink to him 为他干杯
    Here's to you. 祝你健康(干杯时用语)
    keep [have, get] the room to oneself 独占这屋子
    listen to 听…

  25. (动作的间接对象)

    Give this to him. =Give him this 把这个给他.
    He swore to the miracle. 他断言那奇迹是真的.

  26. 【古】作为(= as, for)

    call [take] to witness 请…作证,传…作证人
    take a woman to wife 娶一女人为妻.

  27. 【数】(后接序数词)乘方

    Two to the fourth is 16 (2↑4=16).

  28. (形容词、名词的适用方向、范围)对于,对…来说

    kind to sb 对某人友好
    His attitude is open to attack. 他的态度易招致抨击
    It is nothing to me. 这对我无关紧要.

  29. (引导动词不定式)

    To err is human, to forgive divine. 犯错固世人所难免,宽恕需圣者之胸怀.(Pope, Essay on Criticism)
    It is foolish to read such a book. 看这样的书真蠢(当主语用)
    I should like to think so. 我倒想这么着(当宾语用)
    He knows what to do [when to open it]. 他知道该做什么(该何时打开)
    He wondered whether to go or not. 他不晓得该不该去.

  30. (用作主语)
  31. (用在疑问词或 whether 之后)
  32. (用作形容词)

    the first to come 最先来的人
    have nothing to do 没有什么可做的
    There's Bill [the dog] to consider. 该考虑一下比尔[那狗]的事了
    a house [room] to let 出租的房子[屋子]
    I have no money to buy food with [no money with which to buy food]. 我没有买食物的钱
    a chance to escape 逃跑的机会
    his attempt to climb the mountain 他试图爬上那座山(同位).

  33. (用作副词)

    We eat to live. 我们为了活着而吃饭(目的)
    He lived to be 90. 他活到了九十岁(结果)
    wise enough to know 很聪明,一定知道(程度)
    I am sorry to hear. 听到这事我很难过(原因)
    good to eat 适于食用(限定)
    to tell the truth 说实在话(插入语)
    To return. 言归正传(Let us return.)(插入语).

adv.(副词 adverb
  1. 在[到]正常状态

    come to 苏醒
    turn to with a will 起劲地干起来
    I can't get the lid of my trunk quite to. 我的皮箱盖不严实
    Is the door to? 门关了吗?

  2. 着手(干)
  3. 到停止[关闭]状态
  4. 关着,虚掩着
  5. 向前

    His hat is on the wrong side to. 他的帽子戴歪了.

  6. 【海】朝着风
  7. (以 close to 的形式)在近旁

    I saw her close to. 我在附近看到了她.

  1. to and fro
    1. 往复地,来回地


  • with
  • at
  • as, for作为


  • past到;(…点…分)前的反义




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