

词汇 skate
释义 skate
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 滑冰,溜冰,沿着…溜冰,在…上滑行
  2. 【美•俚】躲债
n.(名词 noun
  1. 冰鞋,冰刀,四轮溜冰鞋(= ice skate; roller skate)
  2. 一次滑冰[溜冰]
  3. 【电】(电车等取得电流的)接点
  4. 【鱼】
  5. 可鄙的人;不中用的老马
  6. 人,男人,家伙

    good skate 讨人喜欢的家伙[好人]
    a cheap skate 小人.

  1. get [put] one's skate on
    1. 【口】赶紧

      You have to get your skate on;the supermarket is going to close in half an hour. 你得赶快去,超级市场半个钟头就关门.

  2. skate on [over] thin ice
    1. (通常用进行时)如履薄冰,身处险境;机智地处理棘手的问题,巧妙地对付难关

      After the crash of the bank,he found himself skating on the thin ice. 银行倒闭以后,他感到处境十分不妙.

  3. skate over [round]...
    1. 略过,一带而过,略微触及

      We should not skate over the problems. 我们不应对难题轻轻带过.


  • ice skate; roller skate冰鞋,冰刀,四轮溜冰鞋

pl. skate, skates





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