释义 |
windvt.(及物动词 transitive verb)- 使风干
- 使通风
- 使喘气,使上气不接下气
- 调节(管风琴管子)的进风量
- 让(马等)休息喘气
- 嗅出…的气味,循气味追〔NE943〕
- 绕,缠绕
- 把…绕成团
- (用绞车等)绞起
- 给(钟表等)上发条
- 解绕,展开(卷绕的东西)(= unwind)
- 解开
- 转动
- 转动曲柄把…摇上[下]
- 【海】使(船)掉头
- 使迂回而行
- 用迂回[巧妙]的手段引进
- 【古】摆布
- 【废】编织
- 【废】绷紧(弦等)
- 吹(喇叭、号角等)(= blow)
wind a call 吹哨子. - 用号角吹出(信号等);刮起(一阵风)
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb)- (狗)嗅出猎物的臭迹
- 【方】停下来喘气,喘口气歇一歇
- (河、路)弯曲,蜿蜒,迂回
- 转弯抹角地做[说];使手段
- 【海】(船抛锚时)转向
- (木板等)翘曲,卷曲
- 绕
- 缠绕,卷绕
- 上发条
- 吹响号角
n.(名词 noun)- 风;(风扇等产生的)气流;大风,暴风
a cold wind 冷风 a blast of wind 一阵风 fair [contrary] winds 顺[逆]风 a seasonal wind 季风 against the wind 顶着风 (as) swift as the wind (像风那样)非常迅速地 (as) free as the wind 【口】 完全自由地 like the wind (像风那样)迅速地 The wind is rising [falling]. 风正在加大[减弱]. There isn't much wind today. 今天风不大. wind and weather 风吹雨打 the wind of a speeding car 汽车疾驶产生的气流 It is as well to know which way the wind blows. 【谚】 掌握风向有好处. - 【海】上风
the four winds 四面八方 (all directions):【古•圣】 from [to] (all) the (four) winds 从[向]四面八方. - 方向,方位
- (战争、舆论等的)巨大[破坏性]力量[影响];倾向;动向;趋势
wind(s) of change 变革的趋势[变化的潮流]. - 吹来的气味,香味,臭迹
catch [lose] the wind of sth 嗅到[再闻不到]某种气味. - (些许)预感,担心
- (秘密的)透露;风声,传说;谣言
- 空谈,空话;空想
- 自高自大,自负,自以为了不起
- 大惊小怪,惊吓
- 气息,呼吸;呼吸能力,正常的呼吸
get [catch] one's wind. 缓一口气. - 管乐器
- 管乐队[团],(尤指)军乐队;(管弦乐队的)管乐器部(= wind band)
- 管乐器演奏者
- 肠气;压缩空气[气体];羊的鼓胀症
- 【古•俚】空气
- 【拳击俚】胸口
- 弯曲,蜿蜒,曲折
out of wind 不弯曲. - 卷绕;(发条、线等的)一圈,一转;绞绕机械;卷法
- be close to [be near] the wind
- beat the wind
- before the wind
- 顺风,借风力;处于顺境
- between wind and water
- 在要害处,在易受损伤处
- 【海】在(船的)水线处
- break wind
- 放屁
- 打嗝儿
- by the wind
- 【海】顶风,抢风
- down (the) wind
- 顺风
- feel the wind
- 没钱,穷困
- get [gain] the wind of
- 【海】占(另一只船)的上风;较…占有利地位;(= get wind of)
- get [have] the wind up
- 【英•口】紧张不安起来,惊慌害怕
- get [recover] one's wind
- 喘一口气
- get one's second wind
- get one's wind up
- 【美•俚】发怒,生气
- get wind
- get wind of...
- 听到…的风声
- give (sb) the wind
- 【俚】突然抛弃(求爱者);突然解雇
- 【俚】急煞车
- go to the wind
- 变得无影无踪,消失
- have a good [bad] wind
- 呼吸长[短]
- have in the wind
- 探听出
- have one's wind taken
- 被打中胸口而瘫倒
- have the wind (of...)
- 【海】占(另一只船)的上风;较…占有利地位
- how [which way] the wind blows [lies]
- 世态的动向,形势
- in the teeth [eye] of the wind = in the wind's eye
- 【海】正顶着风;不顾反对[阻碍]
- in the wind
- 未决定
hang in the wind 未决定 twist in the wind. - 迎风;即将发生;在进行中;(谣言等)在传播
- 【口】喝醉
- into [to] the wind
- 迎风,逆风
- keep the wind
- 【海】顶风航行
- (狩猎中)跟踪臭迹
- kick the wind
- 【俚】被绞死
- lose one's wind
- 上气不接下气
- off the wind
- 【海】(帆船)顺风航行
- on the [a] wind
- 【海】顶风
- (声音等)在风中传播
- piss against [into] the wind
- 【俗】(反潮流)做出乎意料的事
- put the wind up sb
- 【口】使某人感到害怕,使某人受惊
- raise the wind
- 【口】筹款
- 引起骚动
- sail [run] close to [near (to)] the wind
- 几乎犯法,几乎出事
- 【海】迎风航行;节俭地过日子
- sail against the wind
- 在困难的条件下工作
- sail before the wind
- 成功,发迹
- 【海】顺风航行
- sail with every (shift of) wind
- 使任何情况都对自己有利
- Sits the wind there?
- 情况是这样的吗?
- sound in wind and limb
- 身体健康的,精力充沛的
- take [knock] the wind out of [from] sb's sails
- 先发制人;(以猝不及防的行动)使人狼狈不堪,夺去某人的优势
- take the wind of
- take wind
- 为人所知,传播出去
- throw [fling, cast, hurl, scatter]...to the wind(s
- 完全不顾;把…抛到九霄云外
throw caution [discretion] to the winds 把小心谨慎的念头抛到九霄云外.
- touch the wind
- 【海】尽可能地顶风航行
- twist in the wind
- 受着悬念的折磨
- under the wind
- 【海】在下风处
- up (the) wind
- 迎着风
- wind abaft [ahead]
- 【海】正后[正前]风
- wind back
- 把(胶片等)倒卷回去
- wind down
- (活动、运动等)渐渐失去势头
- (人)松懈,松劲
- (钟表)越走越慢
- (钟表等的发条)松驰,变松
- 使(战争等)逐步结束,逐步缩小
- wind in
- 收绕(钓丝)
- 收绕钓丝拉近(鱼)
- wind itself around [round]...
- 缠绕在…上
- wind on
- 把(胶片等)顺卷到下一位置
- wind one's way
- 蜿蜒前进[流淌]
- wind oneself [one's way] into [in]...
- 潜入
- 转弯抹角地巴结
- wind up
- 鼓励,推动,使振作精神;使紧张[激动];结束,终止(谈话、演说等)
- 停业清理(商行、公司等);(商行、公司等)停业清理,破产
- (以…)告终
- 【口】最后得到
- 【棒球】(投手)掷球前作绕臂动作
- 将(线等)卷成团;卷紧,卷拢;绞起(锚、吊桶等);给(钟表等)上发条
- with the wind
- 跟着风,随风
gone with the wind 随风飘逝;一去不复返,不复存在.
- within wind of...
- 在…可以察觉到的地方
同义: - unwind解绕,展开(卷绕的东西)
- blow吹(喇叭、号角等)
- wind band管乐队[团],(尤指)军乐队;(管弦乐队的)管乐器部
- sail close to the wind.
- get wind of占(另一只船)的上风;较…占有利地位;
- take wind
- get wind of
- get the wind of
- before the wind
过去式:winded, wound过去分词:winded, wound 过去式:winded过去分词:winded 过去式:wound过去分词:wound |