

词汇 expect
释义 expect
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 预期,预料;盼望,期待

    We expect a storm. 我们预料会有一场暴风雨
    I will expect you (next week). 我盼望你(下周)能来
    Don't expect me. 别指望我来!
    I will not expect you till I see you. 有空请随时来好了!
    Expect me when you see me. 【口】 搞不好我什么时候就去
    I expect to succeed (=that I shall succeed). 我预计会成功
    I expect him to come.=I expect (that) he will come. 我预料他会来的
    I expect there to be [expect that there will be] no argument about it. 我认为对此不会有什么争议.

  2. 预计(必然之事)的发生,期望,指望,要求

    I expect you to obey.=I expect your obedience.=I expect that you will obey. 我认为你应当服从
    You are expecting too much of him. 你对他的期望太高了
    Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. 无所乞求者,永不会失望 (A. Pope的话)
    England expects every man to do his duty. 英格兰期待每个人各尽其责.(Nelson语)
    As might be expected of a gentleman, he was as good as his word. 正像对绅士所期望的那样,他是说到做到
    as was [had been] expected 果不其然,不出所料
    I will do what is expected of me [my duty]. 我当尽我的本分.

  3. 【口】认为,猜想(= think, suppose, guess)

    I expect to go there. 我想到那里去
    Will he come today?〔42c7〕Yes, I expect so.〔42c7〕No, I don't expect so.=No, I expect not. 他今天会来吗?-我想会来的.-我想他不会来.

  4. 【古】等待(= wait for)
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 期待
  2. 【古】等待
  1. be expecting
    1. 临产,怀孕

      She is expecting (a baby [child]). 她怀孕了.


  • think, suppose, guess认为,猜想
  • wait for等待




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