

词汇 drive
释义 drive
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 驱赶(牛马等);围赶(鸟兽、敌人等);在(…地区)围赶猎物

    Drive the dog away. 把狗赶走
    drive the cattle to the fields 把牛群赶到田野中去
    drive the enemy from the country 把敌人逐出国境.

  2. 迫使…拚命工作

    They were hard driven. 他们被迫工作得十分辛苦
    drive sb hard 强逼…为之卖命.

  3. 驾驶;赶车[马等];开车

    drive one's own car [carriage] 驾驶自己的车子[马车]
    drive one's car along the beach 沿着海岸开车
    I will drive you home [to the station]. 我用车子送你回家[去车站]
    drive the quill.

  4. 驱动,使运转

    The machine is driven by electricity [water power]. 这机器是由电力[水力] 驱动的.

  5. (风)吹动;(水)推动,使…流动;放(木排等)

    The gale drove the boat on to the rocks. 大风把船刮得撞在岩礁上.

  6. 迫使(处于某种状态)(= compel)

    His wife's death drove him to despair. 妻子去世使他陷入绝望之中
    That'll drive me mad. 那会把我逼疯的
    That drove her out of her senses. 那使得她精神失常了
    Hunger drove him to steal. 饥饿逼得他去偷窃
    be driven to despair 被迫得走投无路
    drive sb to his wit's [wits'] end 逼得某人一筹莫展.

  7. 把…钉入,打(桩)

    Drive the nails into the board. 把钉子钉入木板
    drive a lesson into sb's head 使某人牢牢记取教训
    drive a tunnel through a hill 开凿一条穿山隧道
    drive a railway across [through] a desert 铺设横贯沙漠的铁道.

  8. 挖洞,钻孔(= bore)
  9. 挖掘,掘进(坑道);铺设(铁轨)
  10. 用力打[击](球)
  11. 【高尔夫】发(球)
  12. 【网球】击(球)
  13. 【板球】打(回球)
  14. 【棒球】使(跑垒)得分
  15. (商店)积极做(生意);努力经营(= carry on)

    drive a roaring trade 生意兴隆
    drive a good [bad] bargain 做了一笔赚[赔] 钱生意.

  16. 使成交(= conclude)
  17. 拖延,使延期
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 驾[开]车;乘车;驾车旅行

    Drive ahead! (把车)往前开!
    drive on 开[驾] 车继续前进
    drive to work 开车上班
    Shall we walk or drive? 我们是步行还是乘车呢?
    We are just driving through. 我们正驱车经过此地
    They drove right up to the front door. 他们把车一直开到大门口.

  2. (车、船等)往前疾驶;(云)飞驰(而过);猛冲,猛撞

    Motorcars were driving along the road. 汽车沿着公路疾驶
    The ship drove on the rocks. 船触礁了
    The clouds drove before the wind. 云乘风飞驰
    The rain was driving in his face. 雨朝他扑面打来.

  3. 【口】勤奋地工作

    He drove away at his work. 他努力地工作.

  4. 【俚】以强烈的节奏演奏音乐
  5. 猛烈地抽[击,投]球

    let drive (at) (成语).

n.(名词 noun
  1. 驾驶,驱车旅行;猛进,挺进

    take [go for] a drive 驾车出游.

  2. 车道,(风景区内的)车行道;(私宅内的)汽车道(= driveway)

    Holland Drive (简写Dr.)荷兰道;【矿】平巷,平峒,水平巷道(drift);路程(drift):an hour's drive 一小时的路程.

  3. (供机动车等行驶的)街道
  4. Drive 用于路名)路,道
  5. 推动力;欲望;冲劲;冲动;积极性

    the sex drive 性冲动.

  6. 【心】驱力,内驱力(人的心在生理变化引起对外在刺激之反应,如因饥渴、性欲引起的冲动)
  7. 趋向(= drift)
  8. 倾向(= tendency)
  9. 【商】抛售,低价推销;(因募捐而发起的)运动

    a Red Cross drive 红十字会的募捐运动.

  10. 【军】强攻;大攻势
  11. 比赛,锦标赛(= tournament)

    a bridge drive 桥牌比赛.

  12. 驱赶(猎物、敌人);(畜群的)驱集;驱赶;(对猎物的)围赶;猎取
  13. (被驱赶[集]的)牲口(= drove)
  14. (木材顺水)漂流;漂流的木材
  15. 驾车,兜风
  16. 【高尔夫】击球;发球
  17. 【网球】抽球;提拉
  18. 【板球】猛击
  19. 【棒球】平飞球(= liner)
  20. 【机】驱动[传动],传动机制;(汽车自动变速设备的)启动位置
  21. 【电脑】驱动器(驱动磁带、磁盘的设备)
a.(形容词 adjective
  1. 传动(设备)的,驱动的
  1. 驱动器
  1. drive at
    1. 意指;意欲,打算

      What is he driving at? 他到底是什么意思?

  2. drive away
    1. 驱逐;驱除(烦恼);驱车外出
    2. 【口】努力做
  3. drive back
    1. 驾车返回;迫使后退
  4. drive home
    1. 把(钉子等)钉入
    2. 使充分理解(论点、事实)
    3. 开车送人回家
  5. drive in
    1. 把…赶进,敲进;驾车驶进
    2. 【棒球】让(跑垒员)上垒(得分)
    3. 【军】迫使…撤回
  6. drive into...
    1. 把车子开进去;把…赶进去;(风把雪吹刮)成堆;把(道理、思想、功课等)灌输给…
  7. drive off
    1. 【高尔夫】打第一杆
    2. 驱散;赶走;用车把(人)送走
  8. drive on the horn
    1. 【口】乱按汽车喇叭
  9. drive out
    1. 赶走
    2. 驱除,消除,驱散,排除(思虑,担忧等)
    3. 驱车外出
  10. drive up
    1. (把车)开过来;(骑马)过来
    2. 车[马]开到[骑到]
    3. 车子沿着…驶来
    4. 到这儿来(= Come here!)
    5. 使(价格)上涨;使…增加
  11. drive...back on...
    1. 迫使某人采取…

      He was driven back on alcohol by despair. 他在绝望中又喝起酒来了.

  12. full drive
    1. 全速(行驶)(= at full speed)
  13. let drive
    1. (向…)发射;投掷;击打

      He let drive at me with a book. 他拿书扔我.


  • compel迫使(处于某种状态)
  • bore挖洞,钻孔
  • carry on(商店)积极做(生意);努力经营
  • conclude使成交
  • driveway车道,(风景区内的)车行道;(私宅内的)汽车道
  • drift趋向
  • tendency倾向
  • tournament比赛,锦标赛
  • drove(被驱赶[集]的)牲口
  • liner平飞球
  • Come here!到这儿来
  • at full speed全速(行驶)

过去式:drove, drave过去分词:driven





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