

词汇 bread
释义 bread
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 在…上涂面包屑;给(人)面包
n.(名词 noun
  1. 面包(cf. roll, loaf)

    a loaf of bread 一条面包
    daily bread
    earn [gain] one's bread 谋生
    beg one's bread 讨饭
    Man doth not live by bread only. 【圣】 人不是仅仅靠面包生活(见Deut.8:3).

  2. 食物,粮食;生计
  3. 【俚】钱,现金(= dough)
  4. 【美•俚】雇主,老板
  1. bread and butter
  2. bread and salt
    1. 面包与盐(款待的象征)
  3. bread buttered on both sides
    1. (某人获得)极幸福的境遇,(某人)鸿运高照
  4. break bread
    1. 吃饭;进圣餐

      break bread with 与…共餐;受…款待.

  5. butter both sides of one's bread
    1. 【口】左右逢源;同时收双方之利
  6. cast [throw] one's bread upon the waters
    1. 为善不图报,行善(cf. Eccles. 11: 1)
  7. eat the bread of affliction [idleness]
    1. 受折磨;遭遇坎坷[坐食,游手好闲]
  8. in good [bad] bread
    1. 生活安乐[困苦]
  9. know (on) which side one's bread is buttered
    1. 知道自己利益所在;善于为个人利益打算
  10. out of bread
    1. 【俚】失业
  11. take (the) bread out of sb's mouth
    1. 抢人饭碗
  12. the bread of life
    1. 【圣】生命的粮食(cf. John 6: 35)
  13. the greatest [best] thing since sliced bread
    1. 【口】很了不起的人
  14. want one's bread buttered on both sides
    1. 【英•俚】提出份外要求


  • dough钱,现金




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