

词汇 ear
释义 ear
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 结穗
n.(名词 noun
  1. (cf. aural a.)

    the external [internal, middle] ear 外[内,中]耳.

  2. (特指)耳朵,外耳
  3. 听觉,听力;音感

    a keen [nice] ear 灵敏的听力
    a good ear 好耳力.

  4. 倾听,注意

    have [gain] sb's ear cf. 词组

  5. 耳状物;(水壶、啤酒杯等的)把,柄(= handle)
  6. (钟的)边耳;(报纸的)报头左右侧空白处(常印有广告等)
  7. 【美•俚】民用频道(CB)无线电台
  8. (麦子等的)穗;(玉米等的)雌穗(包括果实和包叶)

    be in (the) ear 正在抽穗
    come into ear 抽穗.

  1. (over) head and ears
  2. a flea in one's ear
  3. a thick ear
  4. a word in sb's ear
    1. 耳语,悄悄话,私房话

      A word in your ear. 跟你说句私房话.

  5. about [around] sb's ears
    1. 在边旁,在身边;突然遇到,陷入麻烦的境地;完全(崩溃等),彻底(失败等)
  6. be all ears
    1. 【口】凝神倾听(= be all attention)
  7. bend sb's ear
    1. 【俚】(对方)令人厌烦地说个不停

      She'll bend yourear for hours if you give her the chance. 你衹要肯听,她会缠着你说上几个钟头的.

  8. bring a storm about one's ears
    1. 使人遭到强烈的反对
  9. bring sb down about his ears
    1. 使某人彻底垮台[失败]
  10. burn sb's ears
    1. 【俚】(斥责或痛骂时)让某人脸发烧,使某人害臊
  11. by the ears
    1. 不和;相斗

      fall together by the ears 争吵起来[扭打起来].

  12. cannot believe one's ears
    1. 不敢相信自己的耳朵,难以置信
  13. catch [fall on, come to, reach] sb's ears
    1. 传到某人耳里,被某人听到
  14. chew sb's ear off
  15. close [shut, stop] one's ears
    1. (对请求等)充耳不闻,完全不听
  16. fall down about sb's ears
    1. (组织等)完全瓦解,(设想等)全部落空
  17. fall on deaf ears
    1. 没有受到注意,被忽视,对牛弹琴
  18. from ear to ear
    1. 满脸都是(笑容)
  19. give (an) ear to...
    1. 【文】侧耳倾听
  20. give one's ears
    1. 不惜任何代价

      I would give my ears <for sth, to do...> 我要不惜任何代价(去做某事,得到某物…).

  21. go in (through) one ear and out (of) the other = g
    1. 没留下任何印象,左耳进右耳出,春风过驴耳,马耳东风

      have an ear for... 对…有欣赏能力.

  22. have [get, win, gain] sb's ear [the ear of sb]
    1. 使某人倾听;(跟上层人物)说得上话,能让(有权势者)给个面子
  23. have hard ears
    1. 【加勒比】坚决不听从

      have long (rabbit) ear 耳朵尖,消息灵通.

  24. have no ear for music
    1. 不懂音乐
  25. have one's ears on
    1. 【民用波段俚】使无线电台处于接收状态
  26. incline one's ear
  27. keep [hold, have] an ear [one's ear(s)] (close) to
    1. 注意舆论动向,关注事态的发展(源自美洲拓荒者以耳贴地,以探听有无骑马人的到来)
  28. lay back one's ears
    1. 【英•体俚】全速奔跑,冲刺(= sprint)
  29. lend an ear [one's ear(s)] to...
    1. 倾听,注意听
  30. make a pig's ear (out) of...
    1. 【口】把…弄糟,把…弄坏
  31. meet the ear
    1. 被听到,被听见
  32. on one's ear
    1. 【美•俗•俚】跌倒,被打翻在地
    2. 【美•俚】生气,发怒
    3. 【俚】喝醉
  33. one's ears burn
    1. (听到有人谈论自己时)耳朵发烧,面红耳赤

      feel one's ears burning 感到耳朵发烧.

  34. out on one's ear [neck]
    1. 【口】被扔出,被抛出,(特指)突然被解雇

      throw [kick] sb out on his ear. 把某人突然解雇.

  35. pin one's [sb's] ears back
  36. play it by ear
    1. 随机应变,见机行事
  37. play...by ear
    1. 不看乐谱演奏,听过乐曲后凭记忆演奏
  38. pound one's ear
  39. prick up one's ears
  40. set sb by the ears
    1. 挑拨离间,使不和;使人不得安宁
  41. stop [shut] one's ears
  42. to the ears
    1. 达到(极限),深陷
  43. turn a deaf ear(to...)
    1. (对…)充耳不闻,置之不理,马耳东风

      She turned a deaf ear to a warning against further investment,in stocks. 她对于不应再投资股市的警告置若罔闻.

  44. up to the [one's] ears
    1. 【口】埋头(工作),忙得不可开交,深陷于(债务中等)
  45. warm sb's ear
    1. 【美•俚】对人喋喋不休地讲话(cf. bend sb's ear)
  46. wet [not dry] behind the ears
    1. 【口】乳臭未干的,初出茅庐的,年轻而又缺乏经验的
  47. with ears flapping
    1. 【俚】不成熟,无经验,太年轻


  • handle耳状物;(水壶、啤酒杯等的)把,柄
  • be all attention凝神倾听
  • sprint全速奔跑,冲刺
  • close one's ears




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