

词汇 game
释义 game
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 【古】赌掉,赌光
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 赌输赢,赌博
n.(名词 noun
  1. 游戏(= sport)

    What a game! 多么好玩!
    toys and games 游戏用具和运动器械.

  2. 玩耍,消遣,娱乐;游戏用具;玩具;运动器机
  3. 戏谑,玩笑,笑谈(= joke, fun)

    speak in game 说着玩,开玩笑.

  4. 竞赛,比赛;胜负(美式英语中用于 baseball,football 等带 -ball 的各种球类运动)

    win two games in the first set 在第一场比赛中赢了两局
    game all=game and game 一比一平局
    have a game of play 进行一场比赛
    play a good [poor] game 技术娴熟[不佳]
    play a losing [winning] game 进行没有[有]胜利希望的比赛;干徒劳无益[必有所得]的事.

  5. (cf. match)
  6. (网球、桥牌等的)一局,一盘
  7. (尤指古希腊、古罗马有关戏剧、音乐等的)赛会,比赛会;竞技会

    Olympic Games.

  8. (学校中的)有组织的体育运动
  9. 获胜所需得分;比赛规则;比赛方式[技巧];比赛状态;胜,赢

    play a waiting game
    Five points is game. 获胜所需得分为5分
    The game is 4 all. 比分是4比4
    That's not the game. 那样做不对
    have the game in one's hands 稳操胜券
    How is the game? 比分如何?

  10. 比分(= score)
  11. 计划,方针,意图,策划,企图

    spoil the game 弄坏事情
    play a dangerous game 冒险事
    play a deep game 背地里耍阴谋
    play a double game 耍两面派手法
    the game of war [politics] 战争[政治]手段
    None of your games (with me)! 别耍花招啦!
    The same old game! 又是那一套!

  12. 谋略,计谋(= trick)
  13. 被视作打猎目标的野生鸟兽,猎物(= prey)

    winged game 可猎鸟类
    We shot twenty head of game. 我们打到了20头猎物
    big game
    fair game
    forbidden game 禁猎的鸟兽;不准触摸的东西.

  14. 野味;追求的目标
  15. (天鹅等的)一群

    a game of swans 一群天鹅.

  16. 【口】行当,职业

    the newspaper game 报业.

  17. 【俚】卖淫;做贼
  18. 【古】勇气,胆量
a.(形容词 adjective
  1. 狩猎[钓鱼]的;猎物的;斗鸡(gamecock)般的,顽强好斗的
  2. 心甘情愿的(= ready, willing)
  3. 受伤的;(腿等)跛的
  1. (as) game as Ned Kelly
    1. 【澳口】非常勇敢
  2. a game that two can play
    1. 你我都会玩的把戏(cf. Two can play at that game)
  3. ahead of the game
    1. 【美•口】(尤指在赌博中)处于赢家地位;(在比赛中)领先
  4. be on [off] one's game
    1. (马、运动员等的)竞技状态良好[欠佳]
  5. beat sb at his own game
    1. 将计就计地战胜某人
  6. die game
    1. 壮烈牺牲;至死不屈
  7. fly at higher game
    1. 怀有更高的理想
  8. force the game
  9. game and
    1. 【网球】比赛结束(= game and set)
  10. game not worth a candle
  11. give the game away
    1. 泄露秘密,露出马脚
  12. have a game with...
    1. 蒙蔽,欺骗;愚弄
  13. make (a) game of...
    1. 作弄,欺骗;嘲笑,取笑
  14. make a game
    1. 组织参赛的阵容
  15. no game
    1. 【棒球】无效比赛
  16. not in the game
    1. 未必能成功
  17. on the game
    1. 【俚】从事不光彩的职业,(尤指)卖淫
  18. play games
    1. 闹着玩,不认真对待;哄骗对方
  19. play games with...
    1. 【美•俚】哄骗,欺骗
  20. play sb at his own game
  21. play sb's game = play the game of sb
    1. 无意中让人占了便宜,无意中帮了某人大忙
  22. play the game
    1. 遵守比赛规则;做事讲道德,为人正直
  23. The game is up.
    1. 计划破产,完蛋了
  24. Two can play at that game.
    1. 那一套不祇你会,我也会
  25. What's sb's game?
    1. 【口】某某想干什么?
  26. What's the game?
    1. 【口】发生什么事啦? 你想干什么?


  • sport游戏
  • joke, fun戏谑,玩笑,笑谈
  • score比分
  • trick谋略,计谋
  • prey被视作打猎目标的野生鸟兽,猎物
  • ready, willing心甘情愿的
  • game and set比赛结束
  • beat sb at his own game


  • earnest戏谑,玩笑,笑谈的反义




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