

词汇 example
释义 example
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 作为…的典型,用例子说明
  2. 【古】为…作出榜样
n.(名词 noun
  1. 例子,实例,例证;前例(= precedent)

    by way of example 例如,举例来说 (=as an example)
    give an example 举例
    be beyond [without] example 没有先例.

  2. 【数】例题

    Example is better than precept.
    an example in arithmetic 一个算术题.

  3. 范例,模范(= model)

    follow the example of sb=follow sb's example 以某人为榜样,效法某人
    set [give] a good example (to others) (给其他人)作示范,树立榜样.

  4. 样本,样品(= specimen, sample)
  5. 警告(= warning)
  1. for example
    1. 例如(= for instance)
  2. make an example of sb
    1. 惩罚某人(以警戒别人)
  3. take example by (sb)
    1. 以某人作模范[作借鉴]


  • precedent例子,实例,例证;前例
  • model范例,模范
  • specimen, sample样本,样品
  • warning警告
  • for instance例如




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