释义 |
consciencen.(名词 noun)- 意识,良心,真心,道德心,善恶观念
a good [clear] conscience 问心无愧,心安理得 a bad [guilty] conscience 有愧于心,内疚 have no conscience 没有良心 a case [matter] of conscience 良心问题 Conscience does make cowards of us all. 【谚】良心都把我们变成了胆小鬼(良心在,心胆颤). freedom of conscience. - 【古】(= consciousness)
- for conscience(') sake
- 为了对得起良心,为了问心无愧
- have the conscience to do
- (竟然)厚着脸皮做某事
- have...on one's conscience
- 觉得内疚,感到心中难受
- in (all) conscience
- 的确,一定,真的;公正地,凭良心说
- in conscience
- 过意不去,于心不安
- keep sb's conscience
- 使某人不做亏心事
- on one's conscience
- 凭良心说,一定
- with an easy [a good, a safe] conscience
- 问心无愧地