释义 |
c.m.abbr.(缩写 abbreviation)- 由于死亡(= by reason of death)
- 【林】中心做企口的(= center matched)
- 合格船长(= Certified Master)
- (= Certified Mistress)
- 外科硕士(= Master of Surgery)
- 圆密尔(= circular mil)(直径为密尔数的金属丝面积单位)
- 【诗】普通韵律(= common meter)
- (学会,协会等的)通信会员(= corresponding member)
- 军事法庭(= court marshal)
- 外科硕士(→ C.M.)(= Ch. M.)
- (→ C.M.)(= Congregation of the Mission)
同义: - by reason of death由于死亡
- center matched中心做企口的
- Certified Master合格船长
- Certified Mistress
- Master of Surgery外科硕士
- circular mil圆密尔
- common meter普通韵律
- corresponding member(学会,协会等的)通信会员
- court marshal军事法庭
- Ch. M.外科硕士
- Congregation of the Mission