

词汇 alone
释义 alone
pred. a.
  1. 单独的;孤独的;独自进行[行动,生活]的

    I was [We were] alone. 我[我们]感到很孤单.
    I am not alone in this opinion. 不单是我一个人这样认为.
    Better (to) be alone than in bad [ill] company. 【谚】 与其交坏友,不如一人独处.
    A wise man is never less alone than when alone. 【谚】 智者独处而不孤独
    He travels the fastest who travels alone. 【谚】 人多未必好办事(妻子或同事碍事时说的话).

  2. 举世无双的;出类拔萃的

    He stands alone in the field of biochemistry. 他在生物化学方面是首屈一指的.

  3. 仅,只,单单(= only)

    Man shall not live by bread alone. 【圣】 人不能衹靠面包维生. (Matt 4:4)

adv.(副词 adverb
  1. 单独地;仅,只;独力地,独自地

    for money alone 衹是为了钱.

  2. 【文】仅仅
  1. all alone
    1. 独自一人;孤零零的
  2. go it alone
    1. 独自干,独自生活
  3. let [leave] alone...
    1. (接在否定句之后)…,就更别提了

      It takes up too much time, let alone the expenses. 花费了太多的时间,至于费用就更不必说了.
      I can't ride a bike, let alone a horse. 我连自行车都不会骑,更别提骑马了.

    2. 至于…更不必说
  4. let [leave] well (enough) alone
    1. 不要改变现状;听其自然;适可而止;不要管它
  5. let [leave]...alone
    1. 【口】不烦扰;听其自然

      Let him alone to do it. 由他去做吧.
      Let me alone. 别管我.

    2. 不要动(某物);不干预(某事);不打扰(某人)
  6. not alone...but (also)...
    1. 【文】不仅…而且…(有时省略 but [also], 代之以 as well)


  • only仅,只,单单




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