

词汇 contrary
释义 contrary
n.(名词 noun
  1. 正相反

    Quite the contrary. 正相反
    He is neither tall nor the contrary. 他不高也不矮.

  2. 对立物
  3. 【逻】反对对当[名词]
adv.(副词 adverb
  1. 相反地,逆着地

    act contrary to 跟…相反 [相违背] 而行动
    contrary to one's expectation 与预料相反,意外地.

a.(形容词 adjective
  1. 反对的,相反的;对抗的,与…不兼容的

    contrary concept [opposition] 【逻】反对概念[对当].

  2. 逆向的,不利的(= unfavorable)

    contrary weather 恶劣天气
    contrary wind 逆风.

  3. 【口】乖戾的,别扭的,执拗的
  4. 【植】直角的
  1. by contraries
    1. 正相反,相反地;与预期相反,出乎意料

      Dreams go by contraries. 梦境要用相反的意思加以解释.

  2. on the contrary
    1. 相反,另一方面(与所说的正相反)

      Have you finished the book?〔42c7〕On the contrary, I've only just begun. 你看完这本书了吗?-哪里的话,我刚刚开始看.

  3. to the contrary
    1. 与此相反的[地],相反的[地]

      a rumor to the contrary 完全相反的谣言
      I'll expect you on Friday unless I hear to the contrary. 若无改变,我星期五等着你.


  • unfavorable逆向的,不利的




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