

词汇 as
释义 as
pron.(代名词 pronoun
  1. (意为 who 或 which,先行词带有 such 或 the same)…样的人[物]

    such food as we give the dog 给狗吃的那类食物
    such liquors as beer=liquors such as beer 啤酒那样的饮料
    Such men as (=Those men who) heard him praised him. 凡听过他讲演的人都称赞他
    This is the same watch as I have lost. 这正是我丢失的那衹表。
    (cf.the same that).

  2. 将前面的整个句子作先行词,引导出非限定性子句

    He was a foreigner, as (=a fact which) I knew from his accent. 他是外国人,我从他的口音就知道
    He was late, as is often the case with him. 他迟到了,这在他是常事.

  3. 【俚】(= that, who)

    them as know me 认识我的人(those who know me )
    It was him as did it. 【俗】 这事是他干的。

prep.(介系词 preposition
  1. 像…(一样);作为;当作

    He lived as a saint. 他过的是圣徒式的生活(净心修道)
    He appeared as Hamlet. 他扮演哈姆雷特
    a position as teacher of English 英语教师的职位
    act as chairman 担任主席
    I regard him as the best doctor here. 我认为他是这里最好的医生
    We looked upon him as quite old. 我们觉得他相当老了.

  2. 例如(= for instance)

    Some animals, as the fox and the squirrel, have bushy tails. 有些动物,如狐狸和松鼠,有毛绒绒的尾巴.

n.(名词 noun
  1. 【古罗马】阿斯(= libra)(重量单位,等于12盎司,约等于327公克)
  2. 阿斯青铜币(古罗马铜币,重12盎司)
  3. 阿斯(与阿斯青铜币面额相等的金额)
conj.(连接词 conjunction
  1. (表示状态、比较)像…一样,像…那么…

    It is not so easy as you think. 这件事不像你想的那么容易
    as early [late, recently] as 同…一样早[晚],早在[晚至]…
    as soon as possible 尽快
    Do as you like. 你喜欢怎么样做就怎么做
    Take things as they are. 照本来面目看待事物
    Living as I do so remote from town, I rarely have visitors. 像我这样住得离市区这么远,很少有人来访.
    He was so kind as to help me. 他好意地关照我
    As rust eats iron, so care eats the heart. 袪侜K,忧伤心
    He runs as fast as he works slow. 他干活慢吞吞;往家跑却比谁都快.

  2. (限定前面的名词制度)

    the origin of schools as we know them 我们所知道的学校的缘起.

  3. 当…时,一边…一边…,随着…,在…的同时

    He came up as I was speaking. 我正说着话,他来了
    He trembled as he spoke. 他边说边发抖
    Just as he was speaking, there was a loud explosion. 他正在讲话,传来了巨大爆炸声.

  4. (原因,理由)因为,既然(= because, seeing that)

    As it was getting dark, we soon turned back. 天渐渐黑了,我们赶快回来了
    As you are sorry, I'll forgive you. 既然你认错,我也就不追究了.

  5. (让步)虽然,尽管(= though)

    Try as he might 不管他怎么努力…
    Woman as she was, she was brave. 她虽然是女子,却很勇敢( as 前的名词不带冠词)
    Young as he was, he was able. 他虽然年轻,却很能干(该结构是 As young as he was [像他那样年轻]的强调形式)
    Often as I asked her to, she never helped me. 尽管我一再求她,可是她怎么也不帮我.

adv.(副词 adverb
  1. (指示副词)…同…样,同样

    Take as much as you want. 随便拿多少都可以
    I can do it as well. [和你一样]这件事我也能做(后面省略as you 等).

  2. (限制介系词和分词的含义)

    as against 与…相对比,与…相对照
    as compared with 与…相比较
    as opposed to 与…相对立
    Socrates' conversation as reported by Plato 柏拉图所记录的苏格拉底的对话.

abbr.(缩写 abbreviation
  1. 【气】高层云( As(= altostratus)
  2. 【化】 As(= arsenic)
  3. 【空】空速( AS(= airspeed)
  4. 反潜艇的,反潜…( AS(= antisubmarine)
  5. AS(= Associate in [of] Science)
  6. AS(= Anglo-Saxon)
  1. 辅助保存器( AS(= Auxiliary Storage)
  1. (as)...as
  2. (as)...as you please
  3. as a general thing = as a (general) rule
    1. 通常,大抵
  4. as above
    1. 如上
  5. as and when...
    1. 只要…就…
  6. as before [below]
    1. 如前[下]
  7. as for
    1. (通常用于句子开头)关于…,说到…

      As for [As to] the journey, we will decide later. 关于旅行的事,我们以后再作决定
      As for [As to] myself, I am not satisfied. (其他人我不知道)我个人不满意.

  8. as from
  9. as how
    1. 在任何情况下,不管怎样,无论如何;不论是否(= whether)

      I know as how (=that) it is a fact.我知道那是真的.

  10. as if
    1. (与虚拟语气或动词过去式连用)好像,彷佛(= as thecase would be if; as though)

      I feel as if I hadn't long to live. 我觉得我似乎将不久于人世
      He looked at her as if he had never seen her before. 他两眼盯着她,像从未见过她似的
      It isn't as if he were poor. 他不见得穷,他装穷罢了
      As if you didn't know! 别装蒜了!
      It seemed as if the fight would never end. 这场仗似乎老打不完.

  11. as is
    1. 【美•口】(二手商品等)照原样,无保证

      OK as is (校对)可付印.

  12. as it is
    1. (在句头,通常表示接受假想的说法)但事实上(与假想相反)

      As it is, I cannot pay you. (能付的话当然要付)但事实上我现在不能付给你
      as it was 其实是….

  13. as it is [stands]
    1. (在句尾)原样,照原来样子

      Leave it as it is [stands]. 听其自然.

  14. as it were
    1. 可以说(= so to speak)
  15. as of
    1. (某月某日)的,现在的,截至

      as of May 1 截至5月1日.

    2. 【美】(法律、契约等)自…起(实施,废除)(= on and after)
  16. as soon (as)
  17. as though
  18. as to
    1. (用句于句中)关于(= about)

      He said nothing as to hours. 关于授课时间,他什么也没有说
      They were quarreling as to which was the stronger. 关于哪方力量强大,他们争论不休
      He said nothing as to when he would come. 他没说什么时候来.

    2. 按照,根据

      classify as to size and color 按大小和颜色分类.

  19. as well
  20. as yet
  21. as you were
    1. 【英•口】对不起,我说错了!
  22. As you were!
    1. [口令]复原!
  23. as..., so...
  24. as...as any
    1. 和任何其他人一样地…
  25. as...as ever
  26. as...as possible [one can]
    1. 尽..
  27. as...as there is
    1. 不比任何人差


  • that, who
  • for instance例如
  • libra阿斯
  • because, seeing that因为,既然
  • though虽然,尽管
  • altostratus高层云
  • arsenic
  • airspeed空速
  • antisubmarine反潜艇的,反潜…
  • Associate in [of] Science
  • Anglo-Saxon
  • Auxiliary Storage辅助保存器
  • if and when
  • as of (2)
  • that (conj.)
  • whether在任何情况下,不管怎样,无论如何;不论是否
  • as thecase would be if; as though好像,彷佛
  • that
  • so to speak可以说
  • on and after(法律、契约等)自…起(实施,废除)
  • as if
  • as for
  • about关于

pl. asses





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