

词汇 each
释义 each
pron.(代名词 pronoun
  1. 各自,各个

    Each of us earns ten dollars.=We each earn ten dollars.=We earn ten dollars each. 我们每个都赚10美元.
    We are responsible each for our own votes.=We are each responsible for our own votes. 我们每个人都对自己投的票负责(个人投票个人负责).

adv.(副词 adverb
  1. 每人,每个,人人,个个

    They sell oranges, twopence each. 他们的橘子每个卖两便士.

a.(形容词 adjective
  1. 各自的,每个的,逐一的,各…

    each man's happiness 每个人的幸福
    at each side (=at both sides) of the gate 门的两侧[内外]
    on each occasion 每次
    each one (of us) (我们中的)每个人.

  1. each and all
    1. 所有的人,全部,大家
  2. each and every
    1. 每一个

      Each and every boy was present. 每个男孩都出席了.

  3. each other
    1. 互相,彼此(= one another)

      They love each other. 他们相爱[都爱着对方].
      We sent presents to each other. 我们互赠礼物.
      He and I saw [looked at] each other's faces. 我和他彼此对看[盯着]对方的脸.

  4. each time
    1. 每当…时,每次

      Each time they come, they bring something. 他们每次来都带些东西.

  5. each to each
    1. 各自相互,一一对应

      be equal each to each 各自相等[彼此相当,不相上下,半斤八两,势均力敌].

  6. each way


  • one another互相,彼此




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