

词汇 devil
释义 devil
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 【美•口】(使)烦恼,打扰,欺负,虐待
  2. (用绞肉机将肉绞细和以辛辣调料)炙烤(食物)
  3. (用碎布机)扯碎;(在涂改的底稿上)补写(漏写的字)
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 做律师[作家]的助手;充当(印刷厂的)跑外小使
n.(名词 noun
  1. 恶魔,恶鬼,魔王

    Needs must when the devil drives. 情势所迫,衹好如此(身在屋檐下,怎敢不低头)
    Talk [Speak] of the devil, and he will [is sure to] appear. 【谚】 说鬼鬼到,说人人到
    The devil looks after his own. 【谚】 小时虽讨人厌,大来自有出息(坏蛋倒自有魔鬼照顾)
    The devil finds work for idle hands.=If the devil find a man idle, he'll set him to work. 【谚】 人若游手好闲,魔鬼就会来找他犯科作奸(小魔鬼最喜欢找游手好闲的人给他办事)
    The devil has the best tunes. 【谚】 恶人享乐多(恶人比善人的日子过得快活)
    Prefer the devil one knows to the one [devil] one doesn't know.=Better the devil one knows than the one [devil] one doesn't. 【谚】 宁愿知晓真情而遭灾,不愿莫明其妙地罹祸(宁愿和熟识的坏人打交道,不愿和不识其真面目的坏人往来)
    The devil was sick, the devil a monk would be; The devil was well, the devil a monk was he. 【谚】 坏人遭苦难,便有敬神心,一旦灾难过,作恶又如前(急时抱佛脚,灾过不烧香)[源自威尔斯的讽刺诗作家 John Owen (1560?-1622) 的警句]
    (as) black as the devil 乌黑的
    call up the Devil 魔女召来恶魔,乱上加乱
    to beat the devil.

  2. 恶魔头子,魔王,撒旦
  3. 怪异的偶像,邪神
  4. 【澳】魔力,咒文
  5. 大恶人;极难对付的事物,棘手的事物;可恶的动物;不道德的权势

    the devil of greed 贪婪的人.

  6. 精力充沛而鲁莽的人,能干的人,机灵鬼

    Be a devil! 【口】碰运气试试看
    Tasmanian devil.

  7. 作家的代笔人,提刀人;印刷所学徒;律师助手;被人雇佣的男仆;走狗,侦探
  8. 悲惨的人,不幸的人
  9. 【口】斗志,攻击的锐气
  10. 【机】碎布机
  11. (建筑、铸造使用的)便携炉;火炉
  12. 【烹】加有辛辣调味品的菜肴(尤指烧烤的荤菜,如辣味烧肉)
  13. (印度、非洲等)尘暴,尘旋风(= dust devil)
  14. (基督教信仰疗法所指的)虚伪,错误
  15. (作为加强语气的词语使用)(cf. hell)
  16. (加强语气的疑问词)究竟,到底

    Who the devil is he? 他究竟是谁?

  17. (强调否定)决不…

    The devil he is. 他是才怪呢(肯定不是).

  18. (用 the devil 表示愤怒、诅咒、惊诧等语气)活见鬼!嗳呀!
  1. (Let) the devil take the hindmost!
    1. 落在后面的人遭殃(弱者、运气不佳者就得倒楣,所以每个人只能努力向前)
  2. a [the] devil of a...
    1. 【口】极糟的,非常麻烦[可恶]的;异常的;痛快的

      a devil of a fellow 可怕的家伙,好汉.

  3. as the devil loves holy water
  4. be a devil for...
    1. 为…发疯
  5. be devil may care
    1. 漫不经心
  6. be the (very) devil
    1. 太难对付,受不了
  7. between the devil and the deep (blue) sea
    1. 进退维谷[前无去路后有追兵]
  8. devil a bit
    1. 决…不是
  9. devil a one
    1. 全无
  10. devil on two sticks
    1. 响簧,空竹(= diabolo)(旧称)
  11. full of the devil
  12. give the devil his due
    1. 说句公道话,持平而论(对自己厌恶的人甚至坏人也要公平对待)
  13. go to the devil
    1. 见鬼去吧!讨厌,使之适可而止,快滚开!!
    2. 毁灭;完蛋;堕落
  14. have the luck of the devil = have the devil's own
  15. in the devil
    1. (强调用法)究竟,到底

      where in the devil...? 究竟在[去、住等]哪里?

  16. like the devil
    1. 拚命地,猛烈地,极端地
  17. paint the devil blacker than he is
    1. (人们谈到自己厌恶的人或事时总喜欢)夸大其词地讲坏话
  18. play the (very) devil with...
    1. 【口】弄糟,有害于
    2. 【口】对…严加申斥,大发雷霆;大骚动
  19. raise the devil
  20. the devil (and all) to pay
    1. 【口】(灾难造成的)恶果,严重后果

      There'll be the devil to pay. 问题够严重了.

  21. the devil among the tailors
    1. 【英】正在大吵大闹,正在乱成一锅粥
  22. the devil and all
    1. 坏透了,全糟了,一切都砸锅了
  23. the devil of it
    1. 太难办的事情

      for the devil of it 白白等待,愚弄人,空等一场.

  24. the devil's own
    1. 很困难的,极不寻常的

      the devil's own job [time, problem, etc.]. 极困难的工作[时期,问题等].


  • dust devil(印度、非洲等)尘暴,尘旋风
  • diabolo响簧,空竹
  • full of the Old Nick






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