

词汇 death
释义 death
n.(名词 noun
  1. 死,死亡;死法;死的状态;(植物的)枯死

    Death is the great leveller. 【谚】 死对人人平等,凡人皆有死.
    (as) pale as death 苍白
    (as) sure as death 的确
    the field of death 战场,死地
    die a hero's death 像英雄那样地死
    die a violent death 暴死,横死
    meet one's death (因事故)意外死去,死于非命
    send sb to his death (常作为结果)使某人死掉
    shoot [strike] sb to death 射杀[击毙]某人
    be burnt [frozen, starved] to death 烧死[冻死,饿死](英国的表达方式为burn sb dead,be burnt dead 等).

  2. 【律】褫夺公权终身,法律上的死亡(= civil death)(cf. fatal, lethal, mortal a.)
  3. 破灭,终结,终了

    The company is facing ruin,and it means the death of all his hopes. 公司面临破产,这就是说他的一切希望都破灭了.

  4. 消灭(= end)
  5. 精神死亡,精神生活的丧失(= spiritual death)

    everlasting death 永久死罪,万劫不复 (damnation).

  6. 死因

    Excessive Smoking was the death of her. 她因吸烟过多而死.

  7. 【废】致死的疾病
  8. 【废】疫病(= pestilence)(cf. Black Death)
  9. 死刑
  10. 杀害,谋杀(= murder)
  11. 流血
  12. 死神(常为一手持大镰刀(scythe),身着黑衣的骷髅)
  13. Death! 混蛋!完了!

  1. (a fate) worse than death
    1. 处女失贞,遭受强暴
    2. 大灾难
  2. at death's door
    1. 濒临死亡
  3. be death on...
    1. 【口】擅于做…,是…的能手

      The cat is death on rats. 猫是捉老鼠的能手.
      He's death on curves. 【棒球】 他善于投曲球.

    2. 【口】极其厌恶…

      We are death on humbug. 我们对欺诈行为极其厌恶.

    3. 【口】对…十分喜爱[酷爱]
  4. be in at the death
    1. 看到(事情的)结局

      We were late and yet we were in at the death of the inauguration. 我们虽然去晚了,可还是看到就职典礼最后的部分.

    2. (猎狐时)看到猎物被猎犬咬死
  5. be the death of...
    1. 因…而死,被…杀死,因病痛而死;使…笑得死去活来
  6. catch one's death (of cold)
    1. 【口】得了重感冒
  7. do...to death
    1. 杀死(= kill)
    2. (不断重复作某事)使(人)厌烦,重复得令人生厌
  8. hang [hold, cling, etc.] on like grim death
    1. 死死地抓住不放,牢牢地抓住某物
  9. like death (warmed up)
    1. 【口】重病,精疲力尽
  10. of life and [or] death
  11. put...to death
    1. 把…杀死,把…处死(刑)
  12. to death
    1. 难以忍受,死一样地,极端;没有比这更

      sick [tired] to death 对…厌烦死了
      worry...to death 对…极为担心
      worked to death 使(人)累得精疲力尽;把(东西)用到破.

  13. to the death
    1. 至死,到底


  • civil death褫夺公权终身,法律上的死亡
  • end消灭
  • spiritual death精神死亡,精神生活的丧失
  • pestilence疫病
  • murder杀害,谋杀
  • kill杀死




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