释义 |
C.I.abbr.(缩写 abbreviation)- 铸铁(= cast iron)
- 保险单(= Certificate of insurance)
- 海峡群岛(= Channel Islands)
- 首席检查官(= Chief Inspector)
- 首席教官(= Chief Instructor)
- 不列颠国协学会;(= Commonwelth Institute)
- 共产国际(= Communist International)
- 成本加保险费价格(= cost and insurance)
- 【英】帝国印度王冠勋章(= (Imperial Order of the) Crown of India)
同义: - cast iron铸铁
- Certificate of insurance保险单
- Channel Islands海峡群岛
- Chief Inspector首席检查官
- Chief Instructor首席教官
- Commonwelth Institute不列颠国协学会;
- Communist International共产国际
- cost and insurance成本加保险费价格
- (Imperial Order of the) Crown of India帝国印度王冠勋章