

词汇 begin
释义 begin
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 开始,着手,动手(= start)

    It has begun to rain. 开始下雨了
    He began reading the book yesterday. 他昨天开始读这本书
    begin life 开始人生
    begin the world
    Well begun is half done. 【谚】 善其始,事半成;好的开始是成功的一半
    He who begins many things, finishes but few. 【谚】 样样都抓,效果不佳
    I begin [am beginning] to remember it. 我慢慢想起来了.

  2. 使开始;创始
  3. 【口】决不会,完全不

    I can not even begin to describe the beauty of the sunset. 我完全无法描绘落日的美丽
    That suit doesn't even begin to fit you. 那套衣服完全不适合你穿.

vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 开始

    begin at page seven [the beginning] 从第7页[最初]开始
    begin again 重做,从头另做
    begin by (doing...) 从(做…)开始,先做…
    begin on 着手,动手
    begin with 从…开始,先做.

  2. 开始进行,着手
  3. 开始说话
n.(名词 noun
  1. 比金( Begin)(Menachem Begin,1913-92, 以色列总理,任职期1977-83,获1978年诺贝尔和平奖)
  1. begin at the wrong end
    1. 一开头就错
  2. Begin with No. 1
    1. 首先从自己开始
  3. to begin with
    1. 首先,第一;原先,本来


  • start开始,着手,动手






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