

词汇 for
释义 for
prep.(介系词 preposition
  1. (表示利益,恩惠)为,给

    a present for you 给你的礼物.

  2. (表示拥擭、支持)为了有利于

    die for one's country 为祖国牺牲
    Are you for or against war? 你赞成还是反对战争?

  3. (表示敬意)为…(而做)

    a farewell party for him 为他举办的饯别会
    She was named Ann for her aunt. 她随姑母的名字也叫安.

  4. 【美】…由来于(= after)
  5. (表示代理、代表、代用)代,替

    speak for another 代另一人说话
    sit for Ohio
    B for Benjamin【通信】B代表 Benjamin.

  6. (表示代价、交换、报偿、等价)换,以…价格

    pay £15 for books 付15英镑买书
    ten for a dollar 1 美元10个
    give blow for blow 以打还打
    a check for $100 一百美元的支票
    not for (all) the world.

  7. (表示目的、愿望、追求)

    go (out) for a walk 出去散步
    send for a doctor
    wait for an answer 等候答复
    look for a job 找工作
    for to do =【古•方】 in order to do/try sb for his life 判决某人死罪
    for the life of one.

  8. (表示方向)往,向

    start for India 动身到印度去
    a train for London 开往伦敦的火车.

  9. (表示倾向、爱好)对于

    respect for one's teacher 尊敬老师
    ear [taste] for music.

  10. (表示意向,以 be for doing 的形式)打算做…
  11. (表示关联)关于;准备…

    for that matter
    So much for that. (今天)就讲[做]这么多
    all right for money 不必担心钱的问题
    prepare for the worst 作最坏的打算.

  12. (表示用途)适合于

    the very man for the job 最适合做这项工作的人
    too good for him 太适合他了.

  13. 就…而言,考虑到(= considering)

    rather cold for August 拿8月来说,天气算冷了一点.

  14. 当作

    know for a fact 确确实实知道.

  15. (表示原因、理由、结果)因为

    shout for joy 高兴得叫起来
    I can't see anything for the fog. 因为有雾我什么也看不见
    California is famous for its fruit. 加利福尼亚州以盛产水果而闻名
    the worse for wear.

  16. (表示时间、距离)历经,达

    for hours [miles] 有好几小时[英里]
    for all time 永久
    We will stop the work for today. 我们今天的工作就干到这塈a
    an appointment for one o'clock 一点钟的约会.

  17. (以 for sb to do 的形式,表示不定式的主语)

    It is time for me to go. 我该走了
    For him to go would be impossible. 他去是不可能的
    The secretary writes letters for him to sign. 秘书写信由他签名
    Here is some money for you to spend. 这些钱给你用
    For a girl to talk to her mother like that! 女孩子怎么能和母亲那样讲话!
    It is impossible for there to be any misunderstanding between us. 我们之间不可能有任何误会.

conj.(连接词 conjunction
  1. 【文】因为;由于…的缘故(用来说明理由,一般不用于句首)

    It will rain, for the barometer is falling. 要下雨了,因为晴雨表在下降.

  1. (as) for me
    1. 讲到我,至于我
  2. be for it
    1. 【英•口】势必受罚;准要倒楣

      You are for it. 你准会挨整的[你免不了要吃苦头的].

  3. be in for it
  4. but for
  5. for all (that)
    1. 尽管如此(= although)

      For all (that) so many people seem to dislike him, I still like him. 尽管许多人似乎都讨厌他,可我仍然喜欢他.

  6. for all [aught] I know
    1. 也许,或许

      He may be a good man for all I know. 说不定他是个好人.

  7. for all me
    1. 就我而言
  8. for all...
    1. 虽然,尽管

      for all that [his riches] 虽然如此[富有]
      For all (that) you say, I still like him. 不管你怎么说,我仍然喜欢他
      for all...care(s).

  9. for and
    1. 【废】而且
  10. for better (or) for worse
  11. for ever (and ever)
  12. for good (and all)
  13. for it
    1. 应变,变急(it 模糊地指某种情况)

      Now for it! 快来应付一下!
      There is nothing for it but to do.

  14. for to do
  15. O for...!
    1. 要是能有…该多好啊!

      O for a real leader! 要是能有一位真正的领袖该多好啊!

  16. that's [there's]...for you
    1. 你瞧多么…!(为唤起对方注意)

      There's lovely girl for you! 你可真够漂亮的,嘿
      That's life for you. 人生如此嘛
      There's gratitude for you. 那可得感谢你啰!

    2. 真是…
    3. …就是这样


  • after…由来于
  • considering就…而言,考虑到
  • although尽管如此


  • against为了有利于的反义




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