

词汇 preference
释义 preference
n.(名词 noun
  1. 偏爱,优先选择

    his preference of A to [over, above] B 他喜欢甲甚于喜欢乙
    His preference is for beef rather than pork. 比起猪肉来,他还是喜欢牛肉
    have a preference for 喜欢…,认为…更好
    have the preference 被选中,受喜爱
    His preference in reading is a novel. 在阅读方面他喜欢小说
    in preference to 比…为优先;比起…来宁愿:I'd choose the white dress in preference to the red one.与其挑那件红衣裙,我还不如要这件白的
    offer [afford] a preference 给予优先权[优惠].

  2. 偏袒,偏心
  3. 偏爱物,选择物
  4. 【律】(对红利、遗产等的)优先,优先获取权
  5. 【商】优惠
  1. by [for] preference
    1. 喜欢,选择




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