

词汇 play
释义 play
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 做(游戏),进行(比赛),玩

    play a good [poor] game 手法高明[笨拙]
    play tennis 打网球
    play bridge 打桥牌
    play catch 玩捉迷藏.

  2. 打(球)
  3. 【西洋棋】走动(棋子)
  4. 【牌】出(牌)
  5. (为私利而)利用,操纵
  6. 使…参加比赛,使…上阵;站在(特定位置),担任

    We are going to play Bill in the next game. 下场比赛我们打算让比尔上阵.

  7. (比赛,游戏中)同…争夺,同…比赛

    Will you play me at chess? 你愿意和我下棋吗?

  8. (= get)

    He played his last few dollars. 他把最后几块钱也赌上了
    He played the horses. 他赌了赛马.

  9. 对…打赌(= bet on)
  10. 耍(恶作剧等),开(玩笑);进行(欺诈等)

    He played tricks on me [played me tricks]. 他骗了我
    I played a joke [prank] on her. 我跟她开了个玩笑
    I was played a mean trick. 我被人用卑鄙的手段欺骗.

  11. 根据…而行动,凭借

    play a hunch 凭直觉.

  12. 演奏(乐器);开(收音机、录音机)

    play the piano, violin, flute, etc.

  13. 弹,奏(乐曲)

    He was playing a sonata on the piano. 他在用钢琴弹奏鸣曲
    Will you play me some Mozart [play some Mozart for me]? 你为我弹奏莫扎特的作品好吗?

  14. 奏乐带领[迎送]

    play the New Year in with a tune on the bagpipes 奏风笛,迎新年.

  15. 演(戏);扮演;担任…的角色

    They played “Macbeth”. 他们演出莎剧《马克白》
    He played Caesar. 他扮演凯撒.

  16. 起…的作用,尽(本分等)

    play the hostess 尽女主人之谊
    Salt plays an important part in the function of the body. 盐在人体机能中起重要作用.

  17. 装扮,装得像

    play the man [fool] 装成男人[傻瓜].

  18. 装…玩儿(cf. play at)

    Let's play Cowboys and Indians.=Let's play (that) we are Cowboys and Indians. 我们装成牛仔和印第安人玩儿吧.

  19. 【美】在…演出

    They played New York for a month. 他们在纽约演出了一个月.

  20. 起劲儿地使用(工具等);使晃动,使摇曳,使闪动;照射;喷射;发射(砲弹)

    They were playing the hoses on the burning building. 他们在用水龙管把水射向燃烧的建筑物
    The searchlight was played on the river [along the road]. 用探照灯照射河[沿路照射]
    We played our guns on the fortress. 我们向那座要塞开砲.

  21. 【钓】摆弄(上钩的鱼),让(上钩的鱼)挣扎得筋疲力尽
  22. (以特定方式)处理(报导、照片等)

    play the news big on the frontpage 把那篇报导登在头版显著位置.

  23. 【美•俚】与…调情[发生性关系]
  24. 【美•俚】光顾,成为…的顾客
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 玩,玩耍,游戏
  2. 娱乐;休息,无所事事
  3. (轻盈地)飞来飞去,飞舞,跳来跳去;晃动,摇曳

    A breeze played on the water. 水上微风轻拂
    A faint smile played on her lips. 她嘴角上泛着微笑.

  4. 翻飞;(光线等)摇晃,闪耀
  5. 静静地过去
  6. (机器部件等)运转自如,运转(= work)

    The water of the fountain was playing in the air. 泉水喷向空中.

  7. (泉水)喷出
  8. (枪)发射

    The machine guns played on the building. 机枪射向那座建筑物.

  9. 进行[参加]比赛

    Play! 【球赛】 比赛开始!

  10. (比赛场)适于打球

    The ground played well [badly]. 这场地适于[不适于]打球.

  11. 赌博,打赌(= gamble)

    play at cards 打牌赌博
    play for money [love] 赌钱[打好玩的].

  12. 演奏,吹奏,弹奏;(乐器、音乐)被演奏,奏鸣,奏响;演出,演戏;(电影)上映,(戏剧)上演;(剧本)适于演出

    The old man played well on the flute. 那位老人笛子吹得好
    He has often played in theatricals. 他常参加戏剧演出
    Now Playing. 【牌示】 正在上映[上演].

  13. 举动(= behave)

    He played sick. 他装病.

  14. 装样子
  15. 【俚】照办
  16. 不停地[反复地]作用[影响]

    The shock played on his nerves. 震动不断刺激他的神经.

n.(名词 noun
  1. 玩,玩耍;游戏;消遣,娱乐;玩笑,戏谑;玩弄,抚摸

    at play 在玩
    play of words
    play on words.

  2. 【废】性交
  3. 比赛;赌博
  4. 【美•俚】赌金(总额)
  5. 比赛方式[技巧];比赛的进行;(西洋棋等中的)一步,轮到的一次机会;(泛指)行为,作风,态度

    fair [foul] play
    It's your play. 【西洋棋】 该你走了
    deep [high] play 大赌
    see fair play 公平对待.

  6. 戏曲,戏剧;剧本;(戏剧的)演出

    go to the play 去看戏
    (as) good as (a) play (戏剧似地)有趣.

  7. (光的)闪动,(表情的)变化;影响,作用;(肌肉的)随意运动[活动]

    the play of colors (钻石面等)颜色的变幻.

  8. (机器等的)运动,运转;活动[运动]的空间[范围]

    give (free) play to 使任意活动,使任意发挥,放任.

  9. 【美•方】停工,休假(cf. Work)
  10. 失业,罢工
  1. bring [call]...into play
    1. 利用,使发挥作用
  2. come into play
    1. 开始活动,开始起作用,发生影响
  3. hold [keep] sb in play
    1. 使某人工作下去
  4. in full play
    1. 正起劲,正在积极进行中
  5. in play
    1. 活动中,忙碌中
    2. 【球类】在比赛中,(球)按规则处于可比赛状态中
    3. 在玩耍;开玩笑地
  6. make a [one's] play for...
    1. 【口】想方设法得到;千方百计地勾引(女人等)
  7. make great [much, etc.] play with...
    1. 过分夸大,过分强调,故意卖弄
  8. make play
    1. 【拳击】猛击对手
    2. 加紧工作;发生效果
    3. 【赛马•猎】激励落后者用力赶
    4. 领先
  9. out of play
    1. 【球类】出界

      go out of play (球)出界.

    2. 失业
  10. play (it) by ear
  11. play (it) safe
  12. play about
    1. 搞不正当性关系
    2. 玩耍
  13. play along
    1. 与…合作
    2. 假表同意
    3. 与…周旋
    4. 使等候回音
  14. play around
    1. 搞不正当性关系,乱来
    2. 反复思考
  15. play at...
    1. 做…游戏,假扮…玩

      play at soldiers [keeping shop] 玩打仗[商店卖东西].

    2. 比(输赢)
    3. 随便地干,对…不认真,对…敷衍了事
  16. play away
    1. 赌输掉(钱等);用尽(财产);浪费(时间)
  17. play back
    1. 【板球】后退接球
    2. 重放(录音、录像);把(球)打回给对方
  18. play ball
  19. play both ends against the middle
    1. 脚踏两只船;两头卖弄,从中渔利
  20. play down
    1. 对…不着重强调,对…不多作宣传(cf. play up)
    2. 收敛自己以求他人支持
  21. play fair
    1. 光明正大的行事
  22. play false [foul, foully]
    1. 不正当地行事
  23. play fast and loose
  24. play for safety
  25. play for time
    1. 用拖延手法争取时间
  26. play forward
    1. 【板球】前进接球
  27. play hard
  28. play into the hands of sb = play into sb's hands
    1. 对某人有利的事,因失算而使某人占便宜
  29. play it (low) on... = play (low) down on...
    1. 【俚】用卑劣手段欺骗
  30. play it...
    1. 装出某种样子

      play it cool 装出冷静的样子
      play it smart 【美】做出洒脱的样子.

  31. play off
    1. 把…脱手;使出丑;(得分相同)再比赛以决胜负,打延长赛
  32. play on down
    1. 【美•俚】(从某地方)去(另一地方)
  33. play on...
    1. 【板球】把球打到自己的三门柱而退场
    2. 用…嬉戏

      play on words

    3. 【足】使(球员)处于非越位的位置
    4. 利用(某人的恐惧、轻信等);影响…
  34. play one's hand for all it is worth
    1. 竭尽全力
  35. play one's heart out
  36. play oneself in
    1. (板球等中)使身体慢慢适应而打得越来越好
  37. play out
    1. 把(戏)演完;把(比赛)进行到底;用完;使筋疲力竭;放出(绳索等)
    2. 耗尽;筋疲力竭;(绕着的绳索等)被放出
  38. play out time
    1. 【体】(采取守势的队)不让对手得球而只在己方传来传去,直到比赛结束
  39. play sb for...
    1. 【口】把某人视作…,把某人当…对待
    2. 为…而利用[操纵]某人
  40. play sb off against another
    1. 使某人与另一人相斗(以坐收渔利)
  41. play up
    1. 加油;卖力气,拿出劲来;(机器等)出故障;(孩子)调皮捣蛋
    2. 强调,宣扬(cf. Play down)
    3. 开始演奏;拼命
  42. play up to...
    1. 给…当配角;帮助,支持
    2. 【口】拍…马屁,谄媚
  43. play with oneself
    1. 手淫(= masturbate)
  44. play with sb / sth
    1. 玩弄某人,摆弄某物

      play with edged tools 玩弄有刃的危险之物
      play with fire.

    2. 【美•俚】与…协力(= play ball with)
  45. the state of play
  46. What are you playing at?
    1. 【口】你在搞什么名堂?


  • get
  • bet on对…打赌
  • work(机器部件等)运转自如,运转
  • gamble赌博,打赌
  • behave举动
  • play ball with与…协力
  • masturbate手淫


  • Work娱乐;休息,无所事事的反义




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