

词汇 have
释义 have
vt., v. auxil.
  1. (过去式和过去分词 had; 第三人称单数现在式 has;【古体】第二人称单数现在式或过去式 (thou)hast 或 hadst, 第三人称单数现在式 hath; 口语缩略形式: I've (I have), he's (he has), I'd (I had) 等;否定缩略形式: haven't, hasn't, hadn't下面第1,2释义中,英国英语的否定、疑问式用 I have not, Have you ?的语序,美国英语则用 I do not have, Do you have?的语序,需加助动词do)
  2. 有,具有,所有

    I didn't have [hadn't] time to see her. 我没有时间去看她
    Do you have [Have you] any money with [on, about] you [on your person]? 你身上带着钱吗?
    have...to oneself 把…据为私有.

  3. 有(朋友、亲人等);赡养

    I have no sons. 我没有儿子
    He has a large family. 他有个大家庭.

  4. 含有

    This room has five windows. (=There are five windows in this room.) 这个房间有五扇窗子.

  5. (表示特征、状态等)怀有;心存(意见、感情);表明(态度),表示;知道,了解,懂得…的知识[体会]

    Does she have [Has she got] brown hair? 她的头发是褐色的吗?
    I have a good [bad] memory for names. 我能记住[记不住]人名
    She [It] had no attraction for him. 她[它]对他来说毫无魅力
    have an idea 得了个主意
    have qualms about doing 对于…感到不安[有疑虑]
    have the crust to do 在做…上厚颜无耻
    have a care
    have mercy [pity]
    have only a little Spanish 【古】 多少懂一点西班牙语.

  6. (后接带 to 的不定式)不得不,必须(cf. v.auxil的习语 have got)

    I have to work hard.
    He has only to work hard. 他不得不拚命工作.

  7. 体验,经受[遭受](病患)

    have an adventure 冒险
    have a good time
    Do you often have headaches? 你常头痛吗?(cf.【英】Have you got a headache?你(现在)头痛吗?)

  8. 接受,取得,拿到,吃,喝

    have a lesson 上课
    May I have this?我可以拿这个吗?
    Will you have another cup of tea? 再来一杯茶好吗?
    He is having lunch. 他正在吃午饭
    have a bath [a holiday] 洗澡[渡假].

  9. have 为非重音)从事,进行,做(某事)

    have a conversation 谈话,闲聊
    have a dance [drink, look, swim, try, etc.]. 跳舞[饮酒,看一看,游泳,试一试等].

  10. 取得,得到,到手,获得;摆放(家具等)

    have a letter [gift] 收到一封信[一件礼品]
    There was nothing to be had at that store. 在那个商店什么东西也没买到
    have a sofa there 那里摆了一张沙发
    May I have your name and address, please? 请您把姓名和住址告诉我好吗?

  11. 邀请,欢迎;招待(客人),接待
  12. (won't have 的形式)允许,忍受

    He won't have any noise while he is reading. 他看书时受不了一点吵闹.

  13. (+ 宾语 + 补语即 doing 的副词形式)使…成为(某种状态)

    I want to have my room tidy. 我希望房间整洁一些
    I won't have you smoking at your age. 我不想你在这个年龄吸烟
    have...in [out, off, etc.] 让…进入[出去,离开,等等].

  14. (+ 宾语 + 过去分词补语形式;役使)

    have sth done 让…做,被…完成
    have one's hair cut (让人)理发.

  15. (反身)使

    have one's ankle dislocated 把脚踝弄脱了臼.

  16. (使役)在…方面出现(某种状态)

    They had a chart spread on the table. 他们把海图摊在桌子上.

  17. (+ 宾语 + 不带 to 的不定词形式)让(某人)做(某事)

    have sb do sth 让某人做某事
    I'll have him (=get him to) come early. 我会叫他早点来的
    Shall I have him (=get him to) come here? 要我叫他来这里吗?

  18. (常伴用 will, would)有意[想]叫(某人)做(某事)
  19. 容忍(某人)做(某事),允许

    I won't have you say such things. 我不许你说这种事
    I don't like to have others order me about. 我可不喜欢让什么人来摆布我.

  20. 控制,抓住(听众等)

    You have [You've got] me there. 你在那方面比我强;在那方面我自叹弗如
    You have been had. 你上当了.

  21. 【口】在(比赛、辩论)中打败[战胜]
  22. 【俚】(以贿赂)操纵,收买
  23. 【口】欺骗,使上当
  24. 【俗】与(女人)性交,占有(某女子)
  25. 生(子),生育

    have a baby 生孩子
    She had a boy by her first husband. 她和第一个丈夫生了一个男孩.

vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 富裕,富有
v. auxil.(助动词 auxiliary verb
  1. 与动词的过去分词搭配构成完成时态
n.(名词 noun
  1. 有产者

    the haves and the have-nots 有产者和无产者;富国和穷国.

  2. 【政】富国
  3. 【英•俚】欺诈,诈骗
  1. be had up
    1. (怒火等)被激起
  2. had as good [well] do
  3. have a matter out with sb
    1. 和某人就某事辩个明白[解决争端]
  4. have and hold
    1. (法律上的)保有

      my wife to have and to hold 由我妻永远保有.

    2. 【婚姻律】(to have and to hold )永远保有(财产)
  5. have at...
    1. 攻击,打击;着手对付,试着做

      Have at you? (击剑)看剑!

  6. have back
    1. 收回(某物,借出之物);允许(离异的夫[妻]、情人)回到身边

      Let me have it back soon. 我要把它尽快收回.

  7. have done (with...)
  8. have got
    1. (和本词的动词 have 同义)

      I have [I've] got it. 我有了(也可作:我想出来了[我明白了]解释,下两句同)
      Have you got it? 你有了吗?(【美】Do you have it?)
      I haven't got it. 我还没有.(【美】I don't have it).

    2. have got to do 形式)不得不,必须(= have to do)

      It's getting late and I've got to go home. 现在已经很晚了,我得回家去.

  9. have had it
    1. 【口】昌盛期已过,已过时;(车等)已用旧,已失去效用
    2. 【口】无希望,命已注定
    3. 【美•俚】被击败,束手无策
    4. 【口】受够了,吃够了苦,不能再忍受了
  10. have in
    1. 收入,买入,请(匠人等)来家干活;接待(客人),招待
  11. have it
    1. 【口】(后接补语)处境(好坏)

      have it good 生活优裕,舒适
      have it easy 养尊处优.

    2. 【口】受打击[攻击,处罚],得恶果

      let sb have it 让某人遭受打击,让某人倒楣.

    3. 表达,说,主张

      Rumor has it (=says) that...有谣传说…
      He will have it that...他硬说…,坚持说…

    4. 想出,找到

      I have [I've got] it! 【口】 我知道了!我想出来了!

    5. 知道,了解情况

      Let's have it from the beginning. 咱们从头说起吧.

    6. 听到(对方的话等)
    7. (以某种方式)愿意,要
    8. (not have it)不允许,不能容忍(cf. 11)
    9. 【口】性感,有性的魅力
    10. 胜利,占优势

      The ayes have it. (投)赞成(票)占多数.

  12. have it (away [off, in])
    1. 【英•俚】(和…)性交
  13. have it (for sb)
    1. 【俚】(对某人)怀有一片痴情
  14. have it (so) good
    1. 【口】生活得(如此)好,处境优裕
  15. have it in for...
    1. 【口】对…怀恨在心,对…怀有恶感;总想伤害[报复](某人)
  16. have it in one
    1. 有(…的)能力[勇气]
  17. have it on [(all) over]...
    1. 【口】胜过,比…强

      She has it on us. 她比我们强.

  18. have it out
    1. 达成谅解;讲明白
    2. 拔掉(牙)
  19. have it out of sb
    1. 向某人复仇,使某人受到惩罚
  20. have none of...
    1. 不允许;拒绝参加
  21. have one's own way
  22. have oneself...
  23. have sb down
    1. (北部 London)请客人到乡下作客(cf. 10)
  24. have sb up
    1. 请某人(到乡下作客)
    2. 【口】对某人提出诉讼
    3. 追究某人的…责任(cf. 词组 be had up)
  25. have something [a lot, nothing, etc.] to do with..
  26. have something on sb
    1. 抓住某人的弱点
  27. have sth coming (to one)
    1. 【口】自作自受,应得到

      He has it coming to him. 他这是活该.

  28. have sth going (for one)
  29. have what it takes
    1. 【口】具备(…)的成功素质[条件,资格]
  30. Have with you.
    1. 【古】接受你的挑战[我应战]
  31. have...about
    1. 【俚】对…特别感兴趣,对…爱得发狂;对…感到厌恶[恐惧]
  32. have...against sb
    1. 因…而不喜欢某人,因…而对某人怀有(敌意等)
  33. have...off
    1. 能背诵,暗记
  34. have...on
    1. 【口】戏弄(某人),欺骗
    2. 已做好准备[计划,预定方针]

      What do you have on for Christmas? 你准备怎样过耶诞节?

    3. 穿着,戴着
  35. have...on sb
    1. 掌握某人的(不利)证据

      have nothing on...
      have something on sb.

  36. have...out
    1. 拔(牙),割除(盲肠);使(睡眠等)继续到完结

      have one's sleep out 让某人睡足.


  • have to do不得不,必须




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