

词汇 head
释义 head
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 在…的前面,率先于;居…之首

    His name headed the list. 他名列前茅.

  2. 为…之首领[脑];主管;率领,领导

    head a delegation 率领代表团.

  3. 在…的上头[顶部];给…起头[写上抬头]
  4. 超越,打破(纪录)
  5. 指示(车、船等)的方向,走向;朝向,面向

    be headed for [toward] 走向,朝…方向前进
    Where are you headed for? 你这是去哪儿?(=Where are you heading for?).

  6. 绕过…的上游[水源]而行
  7. 切掉[切除](动植物)的头部[上顶](砍掉人的头用 behead)

    head (down) a plant 截掉树冠.

  8. 为…装顶[头]
  9. 【足】用头顶(球)
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 出发(到某地),(向…方向)走

    head for home 回家(cf.vt. 5)
    head back 回来
    head toward bankruptcy 趋于破产.

  2. (植物)抽穗,长出头,结出球状果
  3. (河流)发源
n.(名词 noun
  1. (包括脸在内的)头,头部,首(cf. cephalic a.)

    He hit me on the head. 他打了我的头
    shake one's head
    Better be the head of a dog [an ass] than the tail of a lion [a horse]. 【谚】宁为鸡头,不为牛后
    You cannot put old heads on young shoulders. 【谚】 不可能让青年人老练(年轻、老练不可兼得)
    win by a head (马)以快出一马头的领先距离取胜
    John is taller than me by a head. 约翰比我高出一头.

  2. 「脑袋」,生命

    It cost him his head. 这要了他的命.

  3. 头发

    head of hair 一头浓发
    comb sb's head 梳头.

  4. 鹿角(= antlers)

    a deer of the first head 初生角的鹿.

  5. 印有头像的邮票;硬币的正面,头像面(印有国王头像之面)

    head(s) or tail(s) 正面还是反面(以掷硬币决定顺序或赌胜负等时呼喊的声音)
    Heads I win, tails I lose [you win]. (向上掷硬币时喊)正面我赢,反面我输[你赢]
    Heads I win, tails you lose. [Heads you win, tails I lose]. 正面我赢,反面你输(我赢定了),[正面你赢,反面我输(我输定了)].(骗子赌博时叫喊的话;源自赌博游戏).

  6. 头数,个数

    forty head of cattle 四十头牛
    two dollars a head 每人两块钱
    count heads =count noses.

  7. 【俚】(均摊费用者的)一个人

  8. 【俚】吸毒[LSD]成瘾者,麻醉品吸食者(= pothead, acidhead)
  9. 【美•俚】(毒品等引起的)幻觉

    get a head (吸毒后)感到飘飘然[有一种迷幻的感觉].

  10. 热中者,迷

    a movie head 影迷.

  11. 【俚】(搞同性恋的)少女
  12. 顶部,上端,上部;前端;末端
  13. (书页、段落等的)上头,天头,开头,起首
  14. 【建】楣石,台石
  15. 【矿】水平巷道,导巷道
  16. 崖头,海角,(地名等的)岬
  17. (山峦等的)顶峰;(疮、疖等的)脓头(cf. gather head)
  18. 【英】(汽车的)顶盖;(杯子的)沿口;(大鼓的)鼓面
  19. 【口】(汽车的)前大灯
  20. 【海】船首,帆头,塔式起重机(derrick)的起重臂
  21. 【海】锚冠(= crown)
  22. 【俚】浴室,(特指)厕所(海军用语)

    Where's the head? 厕所在哪儿?

  23. (树的)冠;(花草的)头状花序[叶];顶穗,花顶;(甘蓝等的)叶球
  24. (钉、针等的)头;(锤、斧等的)头;弹头
  25. 【乐】(音符的)圆头;
  26. 【俗】龟头,勃起的阴茎
  27. (注入液体后表面浮起的)沫,啤酒沫
  28. 【英】(牛乳的)奶脂层
  29. (河流、泉等的)源头,水源;终(结)点
  30. (床、墓等的)头朝向的位置
  31. 【冰上溜石游戏】得分圈内存留的石饼(= stone)
  32. (书页、章节的)标题,(小)题目
  33. (评论等的)主要论项,论题,(特指报纸头版头条的)(大字)标题;提要

    the main heads of a paper [a speech] 论文[演讲词]的主要部分[要点]:come under the head of 归入…部分[项下].

  34. (机器的)心脏部分,[切割]工具的把柄;(磁带录音机等的)磁头
  35. 【文法】中心部分,中心词[句]
  36. 头脑,才智,理解力,推理力,想像力(cf. heart, mind)

    soft [weak] in the head
    head and heart 理智和感情
    Two heads are better than one. 【谚】两个脑袋比一个强
    have no head for heights 没有[有]…(方面)的头脑.

  37. 才能
  38. 首位,首席;首座;前头

    at the head of 居…之首位;名[位]列…之首.

  39. 首脑,首领,首长,领导人;一家之长;会长,社长,校长

    a crowned head 国王,女王.

  40. (饮用水的)水位,(蓄水的)高度;(水车等的)落差,(流体的)水头,压力;(水流的)势头;(抽水机的)扬程
  41. 【口】头痛

    have a morninghead 宿醉引起的头痛
    get a head 头痛.

  42. 海德( Head)(Edith Head,1970-1981, 美国时装设计师;手制电影服装多出自她手)
a.(形容词 adjective
  1. 头的,头部的
  2. 首长的;首位的

    a head clerk 秘书长
    the head waiter 领班.

  3. 前面的;向前的
  1. (down) by the head
    1. 【海】船首吃水深于船尾
    2. 【俚】微醉
  2. (go away and) boil your head
    1. 【英•俚】别瞎说了,想好了再说
  3. above sb's head
    1. 超乎…的理解力

      above the heads of an audience 超出听众的理解力.

  4. against the head
    1. 【橄】(球在对方手中时的)争球
  5. bang [beat] one's head against a (brick) wall
  6. be in head
    1. (农作物)抽头,抽穗
  7. beat sb's head off
    1. 把某人打得一败涂地
  8. bite sb's head off
  9. boil your head
  10. bring...to a head
    1. 使…排脓;使尖锐化,使…达到非作出决定不可之程度,使…达到紧急关头;使(时机)成熟
  11. bury [hide, etc.] one's head in the sand
  12. by the head and ears = by head and shoulders
    1. 粗暴地;牵强附会地
  13. carry one's head high
    1. 趾高气扬;显示出充分的自尊
  14. come [draw, gather] to a head
    1. (疮等)出头,化脓;(事情)成熟,迫近严重关头,达到危险之顶点
  15. come into [enter] one's head
    1. (想法)浮现脑海,想到
  16. come up heads
    1. (toss 硬币决定某事时喊)出正面
  17. crow one's head off
    1. 【口】傲慢
  18. do one's head
    1. 【俚】得心应手
    2. 【俚】手倒立
  19. eat one's [its] head off
    1. 好吃懒做;无所事事,(牲畜、雇工等)吃得多干得少,吃得太多
  20. eat sb's head off
    1. 【美•俚】唠叨地责骂某人,叱责某人
  21. from head to foot [heel, toe]
    1. 从头到脚,全身;完全
  22. gather head
    1. (疮)化脓
    2. (事情)酝酿成熟
    3. 逐渐加强势头
  23. get into one's head
    1. (酒)上头,使饮者感到头晕
  24. get it into one's head that...
    1. 对…充分理解;深信…,主观地认为…
  25. get it through sb's head
    1. 使懂得[相信,了解,明白]
  26. get one's head down
    1. 开始埋头工作;继续干下去
    2. 【口】上床,睡觉
  27. get...into sb's head
    1. 使某人充分理解…
  28. get...out of one's head [mind]
    1. 对…不再去想,忘掉…
  29. give (sb) head
    1. 【美•禁忌】(人)口淫,口交
  30. give a horse his [its] head
    1. 放松〔1137〕绳,让…自由行动
  31. give sb his head
  32. go to sb's head
    1. (酒)上头

      The glass of brandy went right to her head. (1)她喝的那杯白兰地马上就上头(2)冲昏头脑;入迷,对某事晕头转向.

  33. hang [hide] one's head
    1. 低下头,捂起脸,感到羞耻,感到负罪
  34. hang over sb's head
    1. (危险、灾难等)临头,逼近

      have sth hang over one's head 某事威胁着某人.

  35. have a head on (one's) shoulders
    1. 有见识,有才能;精明强干

      Tom has an old head on young shoulders. 汤姆少年老成.

  36. have one's head in the clouds
  37. have one's head screwed (right etc.)
  38. He should [ought to, need to] have his head examin
    1. 【口】他得检查一下大脑了(看看他的头脑是否有毛病)
  39. head and ears
    1. 全身地,完全地;深深地
  40. head and front
    1. 主要部分
  41. head and shoulders above sb
    1. 远远超过某人

      He is [stands] head and shoulders above any other boy of the class. 他比班上其他男孩子强得多了.

  42. head first [foremost]
    1. 头朝前(栽倒);冒失地(= headfirst, headforemost)
  43. head off
    1. 拦截;使改变…的路线[策略],使(某人)不做某事

      head sb off at the pass 在小路拦住某人.

    2. 防止(恶劣事情)的发生,阻止
    3. (向…)前进,走向
  44. head on
    1. 迎头[迎面](碰到);(冲突)直接地,面对面地
  45. head out
    1. 出发
  46. head over ears
    1. 全身地
    2. 【口】深深地(陷入)
  47. head over heels = heels over head
    1. 【俚】(吸食毒品等后)飘飘然地
    2. 头朝下地,倒栽葱地;匆忙地,轻率地,忙乱地
    3. 完全(投入)
  48. head them
    1. 【澳】抛双币打赌(= two-up)
  49. head up
    1. 发源
    2. 【英】作…的首领,主宰
  50. Heads up!
    1. 【美•口】当心,小心,危险!
  51. heads will roll
    1. 要有许多人掉脑袋[受到严重处罚]
  52. hide one's head
  53. hold one's head high
    1. 不要泄气;趾高气扬
  54. hold up one's head
    1. 昂起头,不泄气;泰然处之
  55. in above one's head
    1. 【美•俚】难以理解,力不从心;无法归还欠款
  56. in one's head
    1. 在头脑中,在预料中
  57. keep [have] a level head
    1. 不慌不忙,保持冷静
  58. keep one's head = keep a cool head
    1. 保持镇静
  59. keep one's head above ground
    1. 保住性命
  60. keep one's head above water
    1. 免遭灭顶;不欠债,免于破产,勉强度日[维持生活]
  61. keep one's head down
    1. 不出头露面;不引人注意,避开危险
  62. knock [run,etc.] one's head against a (brick) wall
  63. knock [run] one's head against [into]...
    1. 碰上(不愉快的事等),把头撞在(某物)上
  64. knock their [your,etc.] heads together
    1. (把两人的头撞在一起)用强力制止两人之间的争吵,惩诫争吵双方
  65. lay (one's) heads together
  66. lay one's head on the block
  67. let sb have his head
    1. 让某人自由行动,不对某人施加约束
  68. lift up one's head
    1. 恢复精力,振作起来
  69. lose one's head
    1. 掉脑袋,被砍头;丧命
    2. 张皇失措,昏了头;失去理智
  70. make head
    1. 向前行进,朝前走;有进展;(锅炉)增压

      make head against 有效地抵制;迎头痛击;迎着(风)[冒着(雨)]前进.

  71. make neither head nor tail of it = not make head o
    1. 【口】对此一点摸不着头脑
  72. make sb's head spin [go round]
    1. 打得某人昏头昏脑;使某人晕头转向
  73. not know whether one is (standing) on one's head o
    1. 【口】晕头转向,昏头昏脑
  74. off one's head
    1. 【口】发狂;异常兴奋

      go [be] off one's head 处于疯狂状态.

  75. off the top of one's head
  76. on one's head
    1. 头朝下地(倒立)
    2. 【俚】轻而易举地,毫不费力地

      can [could] do sth (standing) on one's head 能毫不费力地做某事.(3)(责任、错失、报应)落在某人身上:

  77. on sb's (own) head
    1. (决定、行动等)由某人自己负责;出于自愿

      She joined the army on her own head.她参军是出于自愿.

  78. on your head be it!
    1. 你会遭到报应的!

      The boy brought his mother's anger down on his head by.... 这孩子因…被母亲大骂
      call down curses on sb's head 诅咒某人遭到报应.

  79. open one's head
    1. 【美•俚】开口,说话
  80. open sb's head
    1. 【口】睁开眼,正视现实
  81. out of one's (own) head
    1. 自己想出来的;失去自制力,发狂

      make a story out of one's own head 自己编造出来的一套说法
      get (sth) out of one's head 由自己想出来(的事).

    2. 【俚】醉得神志不清
  82. out of one's head
  83. over head and ears
  84. over one's head
    1. (赌博)超出某人的支付能力
  85. over sb's head
    1. 超过,超越;超乎…的理解力

      talk over sb's head 令某人不能理解的讲话.

  86. put [lay] (one's) heads together
    1. 大家一起商量,集思广益

      ack one's head 绞尽脑汁.

  87. put [lay] one's head on the block
    1. 上断头台,身临危险
  88. put one's head into the [a]noose
  89. put the idea [thought] into sb's head
    1. 使某人想起某事,提醒某人
  90. put[place,run] one's head into the lion's mouth
    1. 身入虎穴,身处险境,轻率地冒险
  91. raise one's head
    1. 出现,抬头
  92. run one's head against [into]...
  93. run one's head against a (brick) wall
  94. scratch one's head
    1. 搔头皮(表示不知如何应付或作答)
  95. shrink sb's head
  96. Shut your head!
    1. 【美•俚】住口!闭嘴!
  97. snap sb's head off
  98. stand on one's head
  99. take it into one's head
    1. 主观地认为[相信],自以为;突然决定

      She took it into her head that he was in love with her. 她自以为他爱上了她
      He has taken it into his head to apply for the job. 他突然决定申请那份工作.

  100. talk out of the top of one's head = talk through a
    1. 【口】未经仔细考虑,未想好就脱口说出
  101. talk sb's head off
  102. tell sb where to head in
  103. turn sb's head
    1. (因成功等)冲昏头脑,得意忘形;(美貌等)使某人钟情着迷
  104. turn...on its head
  105. use one's head
    1. 动脑筋,想办法
  106. Work one's head off
    1. 拚命干


  • antlers鹿角
  • pothead, acidhead吸毒[LSD]成瘾者,麻醉品吸食者
  • crown锚冠
  • stone得分圈内存留的石饼
  • over sb's head
  • let sb have his head
  • headfirst, headforemost头朝前(栽倒);冒失地
  • in deep water
  • off one's head
  • head over ears
  • stand...on its head
  • two-up抛双币打赌
  • tell sb where to get off


  • tail印有头像的邮票;硬币的正面,头像面的反义

pl. head





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