

词汇 keep
释义 keep
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 留着(下),持有,保留,保有

    You may keep the change. 不用找钱了
    You can keep it.【口】 你留着吧
    Can I keep it? 可以留在我这里吗?

  2. 占有,拥有
  3. 使继续维持(一段时间)

    keep the saddle 不落鞍
    keep one's bed (因病而)卧床不起
    keep one's way (不偏离道路)继续前进
    keep to the right 一直靠右.

  4. 呆在(家、房间等)里
  5. 不离开(座位、床等)
  6. 保存(= preserve)

    keep sth for future use 保存某物以备将来之用
    Do you keep (=sell) post cards? 有明信片卖吗?

  7. 保存(= reserve)
  8. 备有(商品)
  9. 留在(心)中,铭记(= remember)
  10. (伴有宾语补足语)使…保持(某种位置、关系、状态),保持

    keep a razor sharp 使剃刀保持锋利
    keep things separate 分开放东西
    keep sb in ignorance 不让某人知道.

  11. 使继续进行

    keep a machine running 别让机器停了
    I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 对不起,让你等了这么长时间.

  12. 保持(某动作、状态)

    He kept silence. 他保持沉默.

  13. 履行(诺言)(= fulfill)

    keep a promise [one's word] 履行诺言,说话算数
    keep a secret 保守秘密
    keep the Sabbath 守安息日.

  14. 保守秘密,遵守(规则,法则等)(= obey)
  15. 保持(习惯等)
  16. 庆祝,纪念(= celebrate, observe)
  17. 【古】守(宗教节日)
  18. 记(帐,日记等)

    keep a diary 记日记
    keep accounts.

  19. 供养,抚养(= support)

    keep oneself 养活自己
    He keeps a large family. 他供养一个人口众多的家庭
    This garden is always kept well. 这花园一直整理得很好.

  20. 雇用(仆人)等
  21. 为…供膳宿
  22. 蓄(妾)
  23. 养(家畜、蜜蜂等)
  24. 自备(马车、汽车等)
  25. 收拾,料理
  26. 守护,保护

    May God keep you (from harm)! 愿上帝保佑你(免遭伤害)!

  27. 看守(羊等)
  28. 【体】守(足球等的门)
  29. 管理(学校),经营(商店)

    He keeps a filling station. 他经营加油站.

  30. 阻止(= withhold)

    keep the facts from sb 不让某人知道这些事实.

  31. 隐瞒
  32. 留住,拘留(= detain)

    keep a prisoner in a cell 把囚犯关在单人牢房里
    What kept you so long? 什么事情使你耽误了这么久?
    She could not keep the tears from her eyes. 她不禁落下泪来
    Illness kept me from coming. 我因病而没能来.

  33. 抑制,控制住(= restrain)
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. (接补语)保持[持续]某种状态

    keep cool 保持冷静
    keep crying 哭个不停.

  2. 留在某处,呆

    keep at home (不出门)呆在家里
    keep under (the water) 呆在(水)下面
    Where do you keep? 你住在哪里?

  3. 【口】居住,住宿
  4. (食物)保持不坏(= last)

    This milk doesn't keep till tomorrow morning. 这牛奶放到明天早上会坏的.
    This news will keep. 这消息可以过些时候再宣布.

  5. (消息、工作等)能耽搁,可拖延
  6. 【口】(学校)上课

    School keeps today. 今天有课.

  7. 克制,抑制

    I couldn't keep from laughing. 我忍不住大笑起来.

  8. 【美足】(枢纽前卫)(佯传后)继续控球
  9. 【板球】当守门员
n.(名词 noun
  1. 生活所需之食粮,食物

    earn one's keep 谋生,挣饭吃.

  2. (牛马等的)饲料储备
  3. 草场
  4. 牧草
  5. 生活费
  6. (家畜等的)饲养费
  7. 【罕】保护,保存,维持,管理

    be in bad [low] keep 保存得不好
    be in good [high] keep 保存得好
    be worth one's keep 值得保存[饲养].

  8. (家畜等的)饲养,照管
  9. 照管人,管理人
  10. 监狱(= prison)
  11. 城堡中最坚固的部份,城堡主楼
  12. 【美足】继续比赛(= keep play)
  13. (可以保有赢得弹子的)玻璃珠游戏
  1. for keeps
    1. 最终地,决定性地

      play for keeps 玩赌输赢的游戏
      The two countries decided to settle the border dispute for keep s.两国决定一劳永逸地解决边界纠纷.

    2. 当真地
    3. 说定赢得的东西可据为己有,归赢者所得
    4. 【口】持久地,永久地,永远地
  2. How are you keeping?
    1. 你身体怎么样(= How are you?)
  3. keep (one step) ahead of...
    1. 领先(对手)(一步)
  4. keep (sb) to...
    1. (使)遵守(时间、规定等)
    2. (使)不离开,(使)逗留
  5. keep after
    1. 紧紧追赶
    2. 不断追求,一再要求
  6. keep ahead of...
  7. keep at
    1. 困扰
    2. 纠缠
    3. 不停地做,坚持不懈地做
    4. 使继续做

      Keep at it! 使劲,加油!
      Keep him at it! 让他好好干吧!

  8. keep away
    1. 使不靠近,使离开

      keep knives away from children 别让小孩子拿到刀子
      keep a child away from the water's edge 不让孩子接近水边
      What kept you away last night? 你因为什么事昨晚没能来?

    2. 不靠近,不沾[不近](酒、烟等)

      Keep away from the dog. 别靠近那只狗.

  9. keep back
    1. 不靠近,退缩
    2. 忍住(眼泪)
    3. 隐瞒
    4. 不给,扣下
    5. 使不靠近
    6. 阻止
  10. keep down
    1. 匍匐,蹲下
    2. 咽下,吞下

      You can't keep a good man down. 有能耐的人是不会被困难压倒的.

    3. 镇压(叛乱等),控制(领地等)
    4. 使(头等)低下
    5. 抑制(害虫等)
    6. 压缩(经费等)
    7. 压低(声音等)
  11. keep from...
    1. 禁止,抑制,防止
    2. 避开
  12. keep house
  13. keep in
    1. 把…关在里面
    2. (火)不熄灭
    3. 闭门不出
    4. 【印】(活字)排紧
    5. 罚(学生)课后留校
    6. 抑制(感情等)
    7. 让(火)烧着
  14. keep in with
    1. 与…友好相处
  15. keep it up
    1. (克服困难)继续做,加紧做
  16. keep off(...)
    1. 不吃(某种食物等)

      If the rain keeps off, 如果不下雨的话,…

    2. 使不吃

      The conversation should be kept off that topic. 谈话应避开那个话题.

    3. 离开,不接近
    4. 防止,不让…接近,避开,挡开(敌人、灾害等)
    5. 不触及某话题
    6. (雨、雪等)不下
    7. 使避开(话题等)
  17. keep on
    1. 使继续下去

      keep one's son on at school 使儿子继续上学.

    2. 【英】不停地责骂,不断地唠叨

      keep on talking 讲个不停
      The boy kept on at his mother to take him to the zoo. 那男孩缠着妈妈带他去动物园.

    3. 就…喋喋不休
    4. 继续前行[某一行为]
    5. 留用,继续雇用;继续拥有,继续使用
    6. 穿着…不脱下
    7. 继续做
  18. keep out
    1. 不让入内,把…关在门外
    2. 留在外面

      Danger! Keep out! 危险!别进去.

  19. keep out of...
    1. (使)避开(麻烦,寒冷等)
  20. keep sb in...
    1. 使某人可继续采取某种生活方式

      His prize money kept him in beer for a year. 奖金够他喝一年啤酒.

    2. 不断供给某人(衣食)
  21. keep sb up to the collar
    1. 使某人拚命学习
  22. keep to oneself
    1. 不告诉别人(消息等),对…秘而不宣

      keep oneself to oneself 不与他人往来 (=keep to oneself).

    2. 不与人交往,喜欢独处
  23. keep together
    1. (使)在一起
    2. (使)协调一致
  24. keep under
    1. 抑制,控制
    2. 使服从
    3. (用麻醉剂等)使失去知觉,使镇静
  25. keep up
    1. 不倒下,不沉下

      The rain kept up all night. 雨不停地下了一夜
      keep up on current events 熟悉时事.

    2. 熬夜
    3. (某种天气、攻击等)继续
    4. 不落后,并驾齐驱
    5. 不(因疾病、年老等)屈服
    6. 使熬夜
    7. 保持(体面、士气、价格等)
    8. 继续(通信等)
    9. 支持,维持,使保持良好状态
    10. 维持在某一水准
  26. keep up with
    1. 跟上(人、形势等),不落后

      keep up with the times 跟上时代
      keep up with fashion 赶时髦
      keep up with the Joneses.

    2. (经访问、通信等)与…保持接触


  • preserve保存
  • reserve保存
  • remember留在(心)中,铭记
  • fulfill履行(诺言)
  • obey保守秘密,遵守(规则,法则等)
  • celebrate, observe庆祝,纪念
  • support供养,抚养
  • withhold阻止
  • detain留住,拘留
  • restrain抑制,控制住
  • last(食物)保持不坏
  • prison监狱
  • keep play继续比赛
  • How are you?你身体怎么样






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