

词汇 measure
释义 measure
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 量,测量,量…的尺寸,计量

    measure a piece of ground 测量一块土地
    Measure me for a new suit. 请给我量量尺寸做一套新衣服
    measure the coat against sb 把上衣在某人身上比一下.

  2. 是…的计量单位

    The ounce measures weight. 盎斯是重量单位.

  3. 打量,估量,判断(人、价值等);斟酌,权衡

    measure one's words 斟酌词语.

  4. 较量,比较

    measure strength 比力气 <with>
    measure one's strength [oneself] with [against] 与…比力气,与…较量.

  5. 使均衡,调整
  6. 使适应
  7. 【古•诗】经过,走,遍历(= traverse)
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 量,计量,测量;可测量

    measure easily 容易测量.

  2. (后接补语)有…长[宽,高等]

    The rowing boat measures 20 feet. 这划艇长二十英尺.

n.(名词 noun
  1. 计量标准,计量单位,尺度;计量法,度量法

    a measure of mass [length] 质量[长度]计量单位
    dry [liquid, linear, long] measure.

  2. 测量(= measurement)

    give full [short] measure 给足[少给]分量
    by measure 按尺寸
    make a suit to measure 按尺寸做一套衣服.

  3. 尺寸
  4. 量具,量器(如升、直尺、卷尺等)
  5. (衡量)标准,尺度
  6. 程度;适度;范围,限度,界限

    have no measure 没有限度,无止境
    enjoy a full measure of happiness. 享尽幸福.

  7. 手段,方法,举措,措施

    adopt [take] measures 采取措施
    a desperate measure 孤注一掷的措施
    use hard [strong] measures 用残暴手段,虐待.

  8. 法案,议案(= bill)
  9. 韵律(= meter)

    triple measure 3 拍子
    keep measure(s) 打拍子
    tread [trip] a measure 跳舞.

  10. 韵脚(= foot)
  11. 【乐】小节,拍子(cf. meter)
  12. 【诗】旋律;曲调;(尤指缓慢的)舞步
  13. 【数】约数

    (greatest) common measure.

  14. 测度
  15. 【印】行宽;页宽

    coal measures.

  16. 【地】地层,层组
  1. a measure of...
    1. 一定程度[数量]的…
  2. above [out of] measure
    1. 无可估量,极度
  3. beyond measure
    1. 过度地[的],非常地[的];无可估量地[的];极度
  4. fill up the measure of
    1. 更(不幸)的是,使(不幸,邪恶等)达到极点
  5. for good measure
    1. 作为意外[外加]的东西,另外
  6. have sb's measure (to an inch)
    1. 看穿[看透]某人
  7. in (a) great [large] measure
    1. 在很大程度上,多半
  8. in a [some] measure
    1. 在一定程度上,有几分
  9. keep measure with...
    1. 【废】宽大对待
  10. keep measure(s)
    1. 守中庸之道
  11. made to measure
    1. 依照尺寸做的;完全合适的,(衣服)定做的
  12. measure for measure
    1. 以牙还牙
  13. measure off
    1. 酌量裁剪;画出
  14. measure one's (own) length
  15. measure one's wits
    1. 与…斗智
  16. measure out
    1. 量出,按量分给,分配

      measure out two spoonfuls. 量出两匙.

  17. measure sb with one's eye
    1. 用眼睛打量某人
  18. measure swords
    1. (决斗前)比剑的长短,用剑决斗
    2. 较量,竞争
  19. measure up
    1. 合格,符合标准
  20. measure up to...
    1. 【美】符合、达到(希望、理想、标准等)
    2. 长[宽,高]达…
  21. set measures to...
    1. 限制
  22. take [get] sb's [sth's] measure = take [get] the m
    1. 给某人量尺寸;打量某人;估计某人的品格[能力,为人]
  23. take the measure of sb's foot
    1. 估量某人的品格(能力)
  24. within [without] measure
    1. 适度[过度]地


  • traverse经过,走,遍历
  • measurement测量
  • bill法案,议案
  • meter韵律
  • foot韵脚




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