

词汇 help
释义 help
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 帮助,援助;救,救助;帮忙;给予…以帮助

    Heaven [God] helps those who help themselves. 【谚】 天助自助者
    May I help you, sir [madam]? (店员对顾客说)您要点什么,先生[夫人]?
    She helped her mother with the work in the kitchen. 她帮助母亲做饭菜.
    I helped him (to) find his things. 我帮他找到丢失的东西.
    I helped her (to get) into the car. 我把她扶进汽车.
    Go and help (to) wash up at the sink. 去帮忙洗洗碗吧.(★以上的三个例句中,美语常略去 to)
    help him down 把他搀扶下来
    help sb in [into]... 把某人搀扶上[进入]
    help sb out of difficulty 帮助某人摆脱困难
    help sb over 帮助度过;帮助战胜
    help sb through 帮某人完成
    help sb to 帮某人进食;帮某人得到
    I May help you to some wore vegetables? 我给你再夹点青菜好吗?
    He help himself to a cup of coffee. 他喝了一杯咖啡
    help sb up 把某人扶起,支持某人;帮某人完成
    Help! 救人呀,救命呀!

  2. 治疗[治愈](疾病等)(= cure)

    Honey helps the cough. 蜂蜜能治咳嗽.

  3. 促进,助长,有…的益处

    help one's ruin 促进自己的灭亡.

  4. 不禁,不由得;忍不住;禁不住(= can(not) help it [doing sth])

    I can't help it [myself].=It cannot be helped. 我实在没有办法
    I could not help laughing [but laugh]. 我忍不住大笑起来
    He couldn't help her doing that. 他阻止不了她去做这事.

  5. 给…盛(饭菜),斟(酒),劝(吃、喝)

    help each other to the wine 相互倒酒.

  6. 【口】(在桌旁)侍候;盛放(饮料、食物)

    Use this spoon to help the gravy. 用这个勺子盛肉汤.

vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 帮助,帮忙;有帮助,有用;开饭,上菜;斟,盛;侍候吃饭
n.(名词 noun
  1. 帮助,救助;相助;援助,帮忙

    cry for help 【英】呼喊「救命」
    come to sb's help 对某人提供救助
    with the help of a microscope 借助于显微镜
    be of much [no] help 大有[没有]好处
    A little help is worth a deal of pity. 【谚】 极小的实际帮助亦胜于空泛的无限同情.

  2. 有益[裨益]的东西,帮助者;帮手,雇工,佣人(集合词)

    You were a big help to me. 你以前可是我的好帮手
    a home help 【英】佣人,家仆
    a mother's help 【英】家庭保姆
    help wanted (广告语)招工,征聘工作人员.

  3. 治疗,补救方法;解除(痛苦等的)手段

    There is no help for it [his illness]. 这件事无法可想了[他的病无药可医].

  4. (食物的)一客[份]菜(= helping)

    a second help 第二客(菜).

  1. (not)...more than one can help
    1. (不)太多,(不)过分(等)

      Don't tell him more than you can help. 别把不该告诉他的话告诉他
      Don't be longer than you can help. 别呆得太久了.

  2. God [Heaven] help you [him, etc.]!
    1. 可怜(虫)!
    2. 上帝保佑!
  3. help along [forward]
    1. 帮助上前,促进
  4. help off
    1. 帮助脱去(衣服等);帮助完成

      help sb off with his coat 帮某人脱去外衣.

  5. help on
    1. 帮助穿上(衣服);使取得进步

      help sb on with his coat 帮某人穿上外衣.

  6. help oneself
    1. 偷,擅自取用

      He helped himself to the money. 他擅自取用了钱[偷了钱].

    2. 随便取用(饮料、食品)吃喝

      Please help yourself to a cigar [the cake, the wine]. 请抽一只雪茄[吃块蛋糕,喝杯酒].

  7. help out
    1. 添加(费用等);帮助…完成

      help out in a store 在商店里帮忙.

    2. 帮助得到;援助,使从(困难等)中逃脱(cf. vt.1)
  8. on the help
    1. 【美•俚】(犯人)在拘留所内工作[服劳役]
  9. So help me (God)!
    1. 我敢肯定;信不信由你
    2. 我敢发誓,千真万确(= I swear)


  • cure治疗[治愈](疾病等)
  • can(not) help it [doing sth]不禁,不由得;忍不住;禁不住
  • helping(食物的)一客[份]菜
  • I swear我敢发誓,千真万确




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