

词汇 introduce
释义 introduce
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 介绍,引荐;推荐

    May I [let me] introduce myself. 请让我自我介绍一下
    Allow me [May I] introduce you to Mr... [introduce Mr...to you]? 让我介绍你跟××先生认识[介绍××先生给您认识]好吗?

  2. 推销(新产品等)
  3. 提出;推行(议案、预算、改革方案)

    introduce a bill into Congress 向国会提出议案.

  4. 引领;引进;推行;采用

    introduce a guest into an anteroom 领客人进接待室
    A new system of management has been introduced into the enterprise. 企业采用一套新的管理方法
    introduce sb to (the delights of) skiing 引导某人学滑冰
    When was tobacco introduced into Japan? 烟草是什么时候引进日本的?

  5. 引出;作为…的引子;作为…的开场白

    Relative pronouns introduce clauses. 【文法】关系代名词引出子句
    introduce a speech with a joke 说个笑话作为演讲的开场白.

  6. 导入;插入

    introduce a pipe into the wound 把导管插入伤口里





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