

词汇 must
释义 must
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 发霉
v. auxil.(助动词 auxiliary verb
  1. (表示现在或将来的必要、义务、命令)必须,应当

    [表示一般的必要] One must eat to live. 人要活命就必须吃东西
    I must go at once. 我必须马上去
    He must be told.=We must tell him. 必须告诉他
    [命令] You must do as you are told. 你必须遵嘱行事
    [要求] You must stay with us. 你应跟我们在一起
    [义务] You must obey your parents. 你应该听父母的话.

  2. (主张)一定要,坚持要

    He must always have his own way. 他总是自行其事
    If you must, you must. 你说自己一定要怎样,那也就衹好怎样了.

  3. 【古•文】(独立用法)必须去

    I must (=must go) to Coventry. 我得去考文垂
    Thou must (=must go) away. 你必须离开.

  4. (以 must not 的形式,表示禁止)(不)准许,(不)可以

    You must not go. 不许你走.

  5. (必然的推断)一定,谅必

    It must be true. 那一定是真的
    You must be aware of this. 你一定知道此事
    War must follow. 接下来很可能发生战争
    He must have written the letter. 他一定写了信.

  6. (叙述过去的事)必须,只好(独立句子中一般用 had to 代替(cf.1 ★(2)),但在间接叙述句仍使用 must

    I said I must start at once. 我说我得马上出发
    I thought that it must rain. 我想肯定会下雨的
    [主张] She said that she must see the manager. 她说她一定要见经理
    [过去的事,作为历史的现在叙述] It was too late now to go back;we must go on. 当时返回已太迟;我们衹好往前走.

  7. (表示发生不希望发生之事)偏要,偏偏

    Just when I was busiest, he must come worrying. 我正忙得不可开交,他偏要带麻烦的事.

n.(名词 noun
  1. (发酵前或发酵中的)葡萄汁;新葡萄酒
  2. 霉臭;霉
  3. 有人水下工作站( MUST
a., n.
  1. 【口】必不可少的(东西[事]);值得看[听]的(东西[事])

    must books [subjects] 必读的书目[必修科目].

  1. must needs do
  2. needs must do




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