

词汇 lot
释义 lot
vt.(及物动词 transitive verb
  1. 划分(土地等)
  2. 分配
  3. 分批,分堆(出售商品)
vi.(不及物动词 intransitive verb
  1. 抽签
n.(名词 noun
  1. 许多,大量

    lots [a lot] of books 许多书
    We have a lot of rain in June. 六月份雨水很多.
    That's the lot. 【口】 全在这儿了.

  2. 全部,整个儿
  3. (★亦用作副词)(cf. Lots adv.)

    I want a lot [lots] more. 我还要很多.
    You've changed lots [a lot]. 你的变化真大啊.
    Thanks a lot. 多谢.
    A (fat) lot I [you, etc.] care! 【口】 [iron.] 我[你等]太费心啦!

  4. (货品、拍卖品的)一组,一堆,批

    auction of the furniture in ten lots 分成十批的家具拍卖
    a tough lot of people 一群粗鲁的人
    What shall we do with this lot of recruits? 我们怎么对付这群新兵呢?

  5. (人、物的)一群,一类
  6. 【口】家伙,某种人(= sort)

    bad lot.

  7. 一块地,一块地皮

    a building lot 建筑用地
    a parking lot 【美】停车场
    one's house and lot 【美】房屋与宅地.

  8. 【美】(城市中供出售而分成的)小块土地
  9. 【美】(作停车场等特定用途的)界定场地
  10. 【美】电影摄制场,片场
  11. 【美•俚】(棒球的)内场
  12. 【美•俚】马戏[狂欢]用地
  13. 签,阄

    cast [draw] lots 抽签
    choose [divide] by lot 通过抽签选出[决定]
    The lot fell upon me. 我中签了.

  14. 抽签,抓阄
  15. 抽签所得的决定
  16. 份额,份儿(= share)

    receive one's lot of an inheritance 接受自己的那份遗产.

  17. 命运,运气(= destiny)

    a hard lot 难以忍受的命运,苦命
    It has fallen to my lot [to me as my lot] to save his life. 我注定要救他的命.
    No man is content with his lot. 【谚】 没有人满足于自己的命运.

  18. 【英】赋税
  19. 男子名( Lot
  20. 【圣】罗得( Lot)(Abraham 之侄,于 Sodom 毁灭之时幸免于难,其妻则因回顾而化为盐柱; Gen. 13: 1-12, 19: 1-26)
  21. 洛特( Lot)(法国西南部省份)
  22. 洛特河( Lot)(Garonne 河的支流,流经法国南部)
  1. across lots
    1. 【美】穿越特定用途的土地[牧场等],抄近道[路]
  2. lot on...
    1. 【方】指望,依赖
  3. throw [cast] in one's lot with...
    1. 与…共命运


  • sort家伙,某种人
  • share份额,份儿
  • destiny命运,运气






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