

词汇 either
释义 either
pron.(代名词 pronoun
  1. (肯定)(二者中)任何一方[一个,一处],各方

    Either (of them) is acceptable. (他们中)任何一个都行.

  2. (否定)(二者中)任一都(不)

    I did not buy either. 我哪个都没买.

  3. (疑问、条件句)任一,每一

    Did you see either of the two boys? 你见到两个男孩子中的一个了吗?

  4. 【罕】双方

    Either of his two sons is handsome. 他的两个儿子都很英俊.

conj.(连接词 conjunction
  1. (常见于如下结构的句子中)
adv.(副词 adverb
  1. (不…)也(不)…

    If you do not go, I shall not either (=neither shall I). 你若是不去,我也不去.
    Nor I either. 我也不(做…).
    I'm not fond of parties, and my wife is not either. 我不喜欢参加派对,我妻子也不喜欢.(在这类句子中,either前的表语成分可以去掉).

  2. 虽然…但是…

    There was once a time, and not so long ago either.... 虽然是以前的事了,但也不是很久以前…

a.(形容词 adjective
  1. (肯定)(二者之间)无论哪个…都

    Sit on either side. 坐在哪边都行.

  2. (否定)无论哪个…都不

    I don't know either boy. 哪个小孩我都不认识.

  3. (疑问、条件句)任一的,任何一个

    Did you see either boy? 你见到了那个男孩了吗?

  4. 两方的,双重的

    of either sex 两性的
    curtains hanging on either side of the window 在窗户两侧的窗帘.

  1. either way
    1. 无论哪方面,无论哪种方式
  2. either...or...
    1. 或…或…,不是…就是…

      Either you or I must go. 你我总得有个人去(不是你去就是我去).
      Either come in or go out. 要么进来,要么出去.
      Either come or write. 或者来一趟,或者是写封信来.





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